




  1. 左:スクリーンロックの状態で、「メニュー> バック> バック> メニュー> バック> メニュー> メニュー> バック」の入力
  2. 右:ダイヤルで*#*#4636#*#*の入力


X10 Field test mode – xda-developers

I have read about these test modes but they do not prodide network information.
– *#*#4636#*#*
– From key lock screen, press “menu > back > back > menu > back > menu > menu > back”




  1. 左:在鎖屏模式下作以下輸入「menu> menu> back> menu> back> menu> menu> back」
  2. 右:撥號作以下的輸入*#*#4636#*#*


X10 Field test mode – xda-developers

I have read about these test modes but they do not prodide network information.
– *#*#4636#*#*
– From key lock screen, press “menu > back > back > menu > back > menu > menu > back”

Written by カガヤキ in: Android,XPERIA X10,モバイル,雑記 | タグ: , ,

X10i[R2BA023]向けADB MARKETの更新針對X10i[R2BA023]的ADB MARKET之更新

x10i[R2BA023]向けADB MARKETの更新X10をrootったら、なんだか、マーケットに元々見つかってたアプリ「mixvTweet」は見つからなくなるような気がしてる。


Paid Market Fix for x10i R2BA023

Ok.. 1st download the following file and extract to your drive:


Secondly ensure you have debugging enabled in settings and connect your phone:
Settings -> Applications -> Development
Third run “runme.cmd” and wait for it to finish, approx 10-20secs and it will reboot your phone.
Finally, “force stop” and “clear cache” for the market app in:
Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications.

Try out Market
Good Luck!

なるほど、マーケットの情報遅れてるなのだ、上記のアパッチ当たったら、マーケットにはmixvTweetが見つかった。「dbの更新済み」っすから。針對X10i[R2BA023]的ADB MARKET之更新把X10 root咗之後,好似係market裏原先能搵到的軟件「mixvTweet」,變後搵唔到啊.


Paid Market Fix for x10i R2BA023

Ok.. 1st download the following file and extract to your drive:


Secondly ensure you have debugging enabled in settings and connect your phone:
Settings -> Applications -> Development
Third run “runme.cmd” and wait for it to finish, approx 10-20secs and it will reboot your phone.
Finally, “force stop” and “clear cache” for the market app in:
Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications.

Try out Market
Good Luck!


Written by カガヤキ in: Android,XPERIA X10,モバイル,雑記 | タグ: , ,

無事にXperia X10をroot化した成功root咗Xperia X10

無事にXperia X10をroot化した大人しくrootせずにXperia X10を使ってたら、やっぱり、制限多すぎて、xda-developersを除いてみたら、X10のroot情報とかrootまでの手順も丁寧に書かれてるから、rootっちゃおとしてみた。

Newbies Guide to Rooting X10 and giving you the newest firmware! – xda-developers

NOTE: Before you begin, you should know that this process will wipe everything off your phone. So backup your contacts, and text messages and everything on your phone! Download a free backup program from the market to make backups onto your SD card, and after you’re done everything, download that program again and restore everything from SD card. Your SD card remains fine.

Install SEUS (Sony Ericsson Update Service).
You can get it from here: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/down…-

2) Run SEUS, follow the prompts. You don’t need to update the phone through it, but get the phone ready for updating. This process should install the drivers necessary for the rooting process.

Note: I suggest you keep your USB cable attached to that USB port. Remember which USB port of your computer it’s attached to, as changing USB ports can lead to a bit of confusion for the next 2 steps!

3) To check if #2 was successful, click on Start, click Run, and type: regedit
In the Registry Editor that pops up, click on Computer, press CTRL+F, and search for this: USB\Vid_0fce&Pid_adde\

After it’s finished finding, on the right side you’ll see DeviceInstance, then it says REG_SZ, then it says something like USB\Vid_0fce&Pid_adde\5&270d2a78&0&3
You’ll need that last bit (in this example: 5&270d2a78&0&3 Yours would probably be different). This is your DeviceID (you’ll need it soon!)

Note: You may have multiple of these if you plugged the USB cord into many USB ports on your computer. Each USB port will give a different DeviceID, so if you have more than one DeviceID, you’ll have to choose one, and if it doesn’t work (you’ll find out when you reach #5!) you will have to choose another one.

Alternatively, download the file in the next step and extract it, go to the folder called 1st, and run the DeviceID.jar file. It should give your DeviceID

4) Download this:
or from here: http://rapidshare.com/files/40436308…16_ft.rar.html
Extract it.
In the step1 folder, you’ll see a file called DeviceID.txt
Open it up, delete whatever’s there, and put YOUR DeviceID (that you found from the previous step).
Save the file and close notepad.

Note: Make sure there are no extra spaces or lines after/before the DeviceID. The ONLY thing that should be in the file is your DeviceID, NO SPACES/LINES (for example, only this: 5&270d2a78&0&3 [yours will probably be different])

5) Take out the USB cable from your phone (leave it plugged into your computer)
Turn your phone OFF
Open up step1.cmd (it’s not inside the step1 folder, but outside it), but DON’T PRESS ANYTHING

Now we have to put the phone into flash mode. This is how you do it:
Hold the Back button on your phone, and while holding the back button, insert the USB cable into the phone.
A green light should come on the phone (like when it’s charging or a missed call)
Quickly “Press any key to continue…” in the open step1.cmd window.

Let it finish what it’s doing. It will say “Press any key to continue…” after it’s finished. Until then, DON’T touch anything!

If you get problems in this step, refer to this post:
Here’s a helpful video for common java issue: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=713457

After completion, this will give you a Generic X10i R1FA016 firmware (check it by pressing the left button, go to settings>about phone and at the very bottom under build number)
Keep your phone plugged into the USB.

6) Download this:
or from here: http://rapidshare.com/files/40435984…_F2v2.rar.html
Extract it.
DELETE step4 folder, step5 folder, step4.cmd and step5.cmd

Now we’re going to put the phone into Debugging mode:
Turn your phone on if it’s not already on.
Press the left button, go to Settings>Applications>Development and check on USB debugging, press OK in the popup. Plug the USB into the phone (in case you disconnected it). You should see an exclamation mark at the very top left of the screen of the phone.

Note: This next step can take a while!
Open step2.cmd, don’t press anything!
On the phone, a list of buttons will come up eventually. Press the 6th option (something about update from SDcard). ONLY PRESS IT ONCE!
Leave your phone alone. Go to the washroom or eat a snack.
You’ll see the progress on the phone screen, as it installs the package. Leave everything alone.

After completion, this will give you a Generic X10i R2BA023 firmware.

If you get problems, try this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show…postcount=1122

7) The phone should be on, USB plugged in, and already in USB debugging mode.
Open step3.cmd, and ‘Press any key to continue’
Let it finish what it’s doing, it will say ‘Press any key to continue’ at the end after it’s finished.

After completion, this will give you ROOT! And it also installs some programs for you.

 これで、無事にrootしました。なにかsuperuserとかのアプリも入るようになった。root終わるまで結構時間がかかったが、やり方は案外と簡単だった。よ~し、まずはandroidscreencastを使っちゃうわ。w成功root咗Xperia X10諗住乖乖哋唔root機地用Xperia X10的,不過,始終都係太多限制啦,瞄一瞄xda-developers之後,睇到有啲X10的root機資料,仲寫埋root機過程添,於是就諗住root囉.

Newbies Guide to Rooting X10 and giving you the newest firmware! – xda-developers

NOTE: Before you begin, you should know that this process will wipe everything off your phone. So backup your contacts, and text messages and everything on your phone! Download a free backup program from the market to make backups onto your SD card, and after you’re done everything, download that program again and restore everything from SD card. Your SD card remains fine.

Install SEUS (Sony Ericsson Update Service).
You can get it from here: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/down…-

2) Run SEUS, follow the prompts. You don’t need to update the phone through it, but get the phone ready for updating. This process should install the drivers necessary for the rooting process.

Note: I suggest you keep your USB cable attached to that USB port. Remember which USB port of your computer it’s attached to, as changing USB ports can lead to a bit of confusion for the next 2 steps!

3) To check if #2 was successful, click on Start, click Run, and type: regedit
In the Registry Editor that pops up, click on Computer, press CTRL+F, and search for this: USB\Vid_0fce&Pid_adde\

After it’s finished finding, on the right side you’ll see DeviceInstance, then it says REG_SZ, then it says something like USB\Vid_0fce&Pid_adde\5&270d2a78&0&3
You’ll need that last bit (in this example: 5&270d2a78&0&3 Yours would probably be different). This is your DeviceID (you’ll need it soon!)

Note: You may have multiple of these if you plugged the USB cord into many USB ports on your computer. Each USB port will give a different DeviceID, so if you have more than one DeviceID, you’ll have to choose one, and if it doesn’t work (you’ll find out when you reach #5!) you will have to choose another one.

Alternatively, download the file in the next step and extract it, go to the folder called 1st, and run the DeviceID.jar file. It should give your DeviceID

4) Download this:
or from here: http://rapidshare.com/files/40436308…16_ft.rar.html
Extract it.
In the step1 folder, you’ll see a file called DeviceID.txt
Open it up, delete whatever’s there, and put YOUR DeviceID (that you found from the previous step).
Save the file and close notepad.

Note: Make sure there are no extra spaces or lines after/before the DeviceID. The ONLY thing that should be in the file is your DeviceID, NO SPACES/LINES (for example, only this: 5&270d2a78&0&3 [yours will probably be different])

5) Take out the USB cable from your phone (leave it plugged into your computer)
Turn your phone OFF
Open up step1.cmd (it’s not inside the step1 folder, but outside it), but DON’T PRESS ANYTHING

Now we have to put the phone into flash mode. This is how you do it:
Hold the Back button on your phone, and while holding the back button, insert the USB cable into the phone.
A green light should come on the phone (like when it’s charging or a missed call)
Quickly “Press any key to continue…” in the open step1.cmd window.

Let it finish what it’s doing. It will say “Press any key to continue…” after it’s finished. Until then, DON’T touch anything!

If you get problems in this step, refer to this post:
Here’s a helpful video for common java issue: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=713457

After completion, this will give you a Generic X10i R1FA016 firmware (check it by pressing the left button, go to settings>about phone and at the very bottom under build number)
Keep your phone plugged into the USB.

6) Download this:
or from here: http://rapidshare.com/files/40435984…_F2v2.rar.html
Extract it.
DELETE step4 folder, step5 folder, step4.cmd and step5.cmd

Now we’re going to put the phone into Debugging mode:
Turn your phone on if it’s not already on.
Press the left button, go to Settings>Applications>Development and check on USB debugging, press OK in the popup. Plug the USB into the phone (in case you disconnected it). You should see an exclamation mark at the very top left of the screen of the phone.

Note: This next step can take a while!
Open step2.cmd, don’t press anything!
On the phone, a list of buttons will come up eventually. Press the 6th option (something about update from SDcard). ONLY PRESS IT ONCE!
Leave your phone alone. Go to the washroom or eat a snack.
You’ll see the progress on the phone screen, as it installs the package. Leave everything alone.

After completion, this will give you a Generic X10i R2BA023 firmware.

If you get problems, try this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show…postcount=1122

7) The phone should be on, USB plugged in, and already in USB debugging mode.
Open step3.cmd, and ‘Press any key to continue’
Let it finish what it’s doing, it will say ‘Press any key to continue’ at the end after it’s finished.

After completion, this will give you ROOT! And it also installs some programs for you.


Written by カガヤキ in: Android,XPERIA X10,モバイル,雑記 | タグ: , ,

Windows MobileからのSMSをAndroidにインポートする方法把Windows Mobile的SMS匯入Android的方法

Windows MobileからのSMSをAndroidにインポートする方法Xperia X1(Windows Mobile)を使っていた時に、メール、カレンダー、連絡先なら、ずっとMicrosoft ActivesyncでGoogleとの同期を使ってるから、今度はXperia X10(Android)を使うになって、単なる自分のGoogleアカウントを登録すると、なにもインポートしなくてもすぐ同期になるだが、SMSのほうは同期にならないから、なんかの方法でインポートしなければならない。



Import-Export-Move SMS Messages from Windows Mobile to Android – Android Stuff

Click here to download SMS Exporter. This is an experimental application and since I do not have a Windows Mobile phone I have not been able to test it properly. Any feedback about this app is highly appreciated.

Download the .CAB file from the link above and install it on your phone. Running it will present you with a simple form with an “Export” menu.It will export messages into a SMS.xml file which can be directly imported into any Android phone using the SMS Backup & Restore app.

これで、WMからSMS.xmlのファイルを取得し、AndroidにSMS Bakcup & Restoreをもってインポートするができるようになるんだ。ちなみに、notepadでxmlファイルを編集できるから、なんかわざとWMからのインポートしなくても、xmlのそこでニセSMSも作れそうですね。とりあえず、Cotaijetにそのメッセを見せばいいね、2台端末の持ち込まなくても。w把Windows Mobile的SMS匯入Android的方法我用Xperia X1(Windows Mobile)的時候,啲E-mail,日程,通訊錄都係用Microsoft Activesync與Google同步的,所以今次轉到用Xperia X10(Android)的時候,純粹只係登入自己的Google帳戶唔洗匯入就已經同晒步,不過SMS方面冇得同步,所以要啲方法作匯入方可.



Import-Export-Move SMS Messages from Windows Mobile to Android – Android Stuff

Click here to download SMS Exporter. This is an experimental application and since I do not have a Windows Mobile phone I have not been able to test it properly. Any feedback about this app is highly appreciated.

Download the .CAB file from the link above and install it on your phone. Running it will present you with a simple form with an “Export” menu.It will export messages into a SMS.xml file which can be directly imported into any Android phone using the SMS Backup & Restore app.

咁樣的話,從WM取出SMS.xml檔,於Android以SMS Bakcup & Restore匯入就得架啦.另外,notepad可以編輯xml檔的,所以其實唔一定要從WM的匯入過唻,xml檔中放入假的SMS都可能行得通架.總言之,向Cotaijet出示呢個短信就得啦,唔洗帶晒兩部電話去啦.w


OpenWnn Plus「日本語入力」OpenWnn Plus「日文輸入」

OpenWnn Plus「日本語入力」よ~し、Androidの入手したら、もちろん、すぐ日本語入力のを探すだね。simejiとかもあるけど、自分はOpenWnn Plusのほうが気になるね。 しかし、X10の自体にはもうPOBOx Touchが入り、それに、個人的にOpenWnn Plusのよりよさそうだから、POBox Touchのにするつもりです。でも、X10以外の端末になったら、必ずまたこれを使っとくね。OpenWnn Plus「日文輸入」好啦,Android入手之後,當然就梗係搵日文輸入法啦.simeji的都有,不過我較鍾意OpenWnn Plus.

不過,X10本身就已經有POBOx Touch,而且,個人認為比起OpenWnn Plus好似好啲,所以諗住用返POBox Touch.不過,轉到去X10以外的機種的話,一定會用返佢.



Androidのタッチ入力パネル今までずっとXperia X1(Windows Mobile)を使っていて、タッチよりボタンのほうが済ませたりして、それから、タイピングにはよくQWERTYのスライドキーボードをやってきたから、正直って、Xperia X10(Android)にして、完全にタッチ入力のしかなくて、違和感か、なんかよく慣れてないような、それに、タイピングミスが多い。QWERTYの脱出まではちょっと時間がかかりそうね。とりあえず、フリックの入力も慣れてみる。Android的Touch輸入我至前一直都係用Xperia X1(Windows Mobile),少用touch,較多用鍵盤啲制操作的,另外輸入方面一直都係用横滑式的鍵盤的,老實講,轉到Adnroid之後,完全係用touch的,有啲唔習慣,而且好多時打錯字添.脫離QWERTY仲有段時間適應,我會試習慣吓flick的輸入法.

Written by カガヤキ in: Android,XPERIA X10,モバイル,雑記 | タグ: , ,

Xperia X10の初体験Xperia X10之初体驗

Xperia X10の初体験MSNメッセの会話:



よ~し、ずっとWindows Mobileを使ってきた僕なんだが、これからAndroidもいじってゆく。ブログの記事にはAndroidのネタが増えちゃうね。^^;Xperia X10之初体驗MSN的對話:



好啦,我一直以唻都係用Windows Mobile的,今後要試吓Android啦.部落格啲記事中Android啲內容又會增加.^^;



WM6.5がX10に入り、しかもスタイラスも付き?w勝手にネットでX10 WM6.5ってのキーワードでググってみたら、この大爆笑の端末が見つかった。

Wholesale-classic X10 Xperia X10 touch X3 WM6.5 OS 3.2inch wifi 528M CPU 2.0MP camera smart phone unlocked

最初は、それをみてまだニセモノとは知らなくて、もしかして、誰かがX10に本当にWM6.5をいれる方法が見つかったじゃないかと思ってた。しかし、そのサイトをちゃんとみて、もうちょっとスクロールダウンしたら、スタイラスもついてるなんて、すべての謎が解けた~~~wwww。(ちなみに、正確というとWM6.5ではなく、WM6.1だろうね。)それから、こんなでかいスクリーンなのに240 x 400の解像度なんてひどいんですねw。

さってと、その端末の名前はTouch X3らしいです、そのキーワードでググったら、なんと、ビデオの紹介もあった。w


Touch X3 索爱X10 山寨智能手机 WIFI 高清屏 – 视频 – 优酷视频 – 在线观看載有WM6.5的X10,仲跟埋支筆?w好隨意地係網上打入相關字X10 WM6.5搵到呢個超搞笑的手機.

Wholesale-classic X10 Xperia X10 touch X3 WM6.5 OS 3.2inch wifi 528M CPU 2.0MP camera smart phone unlocked

起初,我以為有人可以有方法WM6.5安入X10內.不過睇真啲個網,再拉條scroll bar落啲有埋支筆添架,所有謎底都經已解開啦.w(另外,正確啲講應該唔係WM6.5而係WM6.1吧.仲有,咁大個芒竟然只得240 x 400的解像度,真係好離譜可憐.w

好啦,呢部手機個名好似叫做Touch X3,以呢個相關字仲搵到介紹的映像添.w


Touch X3 索爱X10 山寨智能手机 WIFI 高清屏 – 视频 – 优酷视频 – 在线观看