Hard-SPL Unlocker for Xperia X1Hard-SPL Unlocker for Xperia X1
Windows MobileのROM焼きの本に目が留まっていたw
偶然にROM焼きの例はうちのもってるXperia X1の機種が採用されて手本があった。
実はさ、ROM焼きはもう久しぶりだし、OS入れ替えたら、またいろいろアプリを入れなおすことになるから、めんどくさくてそれを避けてるけど。最近のうちのXperia X1の状況を見たら、かなりよくバグまたエラーが出たりして、気になっていて、ネットで調べたら、自分の使ってるのより新しいファームウェアが出てるが知り、やっぱりやいてあげよと思った。
まず、上記のいってたそのWindows MobileのROM焼きの本の説明によると、基本的に、どんな機種でもROM焼きのあとうまくいかなくならないようにするため、ROM焼きの前に定番の手間はHard-SPLのアンロックだね。詳しい情報なら、xda-developersのほうがいいだろうね、上記のいってたその本だってよぉくxda-developersのを引用してるですし。
そのHard-SPL Unlockerのページには機種保証にこだわるユーザーに元のSPLを回復するパッチと方法も書いてあって実に関心しますね。
ビビってHard-SPLの解除してから、さっそく新しいファームウェアにアップした。「こちらはXperia X1のファームウェアの一覧表」
僕は見事にXPERIA X1 Generic Taiwan R2AA007からXPERIA X1 Generic Taiwan R3AA013に更新した。ROMフラッシュ方法は個人的にカードフラッシュのほうが安全とおもうため、それでした。
ちなみに、上記のいっていたROMのリリースされたのはもう去年のだし、そのROMを見つけ出すまでほんまにめちゃ苦労してた。ネットで調べたら、こんなとんでもないサイトが見つかった「Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 firmware」が、ほとんどのRapidshareのリンクが消されていて、ダウンロードできなかった。しかし、[hidepost=0]中国のnamipanのサイトでなんとなく見つかっていて済んだ。[/hidepost]
Hard-SPL Unlocker for Xperia X1 – Released!
Instructions to flash Hard-SPL:
it’s recommended you run the basic package, and don’t flash the other attachment (MFG SPL – it is only for hackers).
0a) make sure you have .NET framework installed on your PC! if not, get it from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d…DisplayLang=en
0b) if you have vista, WMDC update is recommended: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobi…ce-center.mspx
1) download Hard-SPL package from attachment, extract to an empty folder.
2) it is recommended you download only the X1_HardSPL_v1.zip unless you want to tinker with MFG SPL (MFG SPL 0.52 is a separate attachment).
3) you must Have Phone Synced with PC in Windows Mobile!
4) run X1_HardSPL.exe. (if you want to flash MFG SPL: at this point replace the extracted RUU_Signed.nbh with the MFG version of RUU_Signed.nbh)
5) follow steps in the RUU, and check on the device for prompts after PC shows loading bar.
6) it should go to tricolour screen now and say 0.52.OliNex.MFG (this is SSPL!).
7) Hard-SPL flashes, device automatically reboots, job done.
8 ) to confirm you got it installed, go into bootloader mode (tricolour screen!) and verify the screen shows 0.72.OliNex (or 0.52.OliNex MFG).
*** Flash X1 without PC – Micro SD Method ***
*** Some Kingston brand may have problem to use SD method, no solution other than use RUU method ***
0. Make sure x1 is hard-spl first
1. Make sure yr micro-sd is formatted w/ fat-32
2. rename the image file (normally “ruu_signed.nbh”) to Kovsimg.nbh, copy that to the micro-sd, and put that it yr X1
3. Make sure X1 is disconnect to your PC to avoid goes to serial mode (AC power source is OK)
4. Bring x1 to boot-loader mode by turning off the x1 completely. Hold the “volume down” button on the right, and hold the power on button until you see the tri-color screen.
5. Then follow the on-screen instruction
我對眼停留咗係一本關於Windows Mobile的刷ROM教學書上.w
咁啱線戈個刷ROM教學係採用作我現用緊的Xperia X1作示範.
其實,我好耐都冇刷ROM架啦,重OS之後,又要重安灑啲軟件,好麻煩所以都會避開佢.不過睇番最近我部Xperia X1好多時都有BUG又或者錯誤信息,令我好在意,上網搵到出咗比起我現在用緊的更新的firmware,所以都係刷吧.
首先,上記的那本Windows Mobile刷ROM教學書的說明內講到,基本上咩機種都好啦,為咗刷ROM後能正常運作,係刷ROM之前例牌會做的就係解除Hard-SPL啦,詳情的話可到xda-developers會好啲,因為上記的書也引用xda-developers的.
呢個Hard-SPL Unlocker的頁面內為咗一啲就保養問題的用家寫埋回復原來的SPL方法添,真係好正啊.
驚驚哋地解除了Hard-SPL之後,即時更新埋firmware了.「呢度有Xperia X1的Firmware一覧表」
我成功地從XPERIA X1 Generic Taiwan R2AA007級到去XPERIA X1 Generic Taiwan R3AA013啦.刷ROM方法個人認為用卡刷較為安全,所以我用咗卡刷.
另外,上記的ROM推出咗已經係舊年既事,搵出呢個ROM真係好難花咗好多功夫.雖然上網搵到呢個好勁的網站「Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 firmware」,不過幾乎全部啲Rapidshare的連結都被刪除灑,無法下載.不過,[hidepost=0]係中國的namipan網站總算俾我搵到搞掂咗.[/hidepost]
Hard-SPL Unlocker for Xperia X1 – Released!
Instructions to flash Hard-SPL:
it’s recommended you run the basic package, and don’t flash the other attachment (MFG SPL – it is only for hackers).
0a) make sure you have .NET framework installed on your PC! if not, get it from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d…DisplayLang=en
0b) if you have vista, WMDC update is recommended: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobi…ce-center.mspx
1) download Hard-SPL package from attachment, extract to an empty folder.
2) it is recommended you download only the X1_HardSPL_v1.zip unless you want to tinker with MFG SPL (MFG SPL 0.52 is a separate attachment).
3) you must Have Phone Synced with PC in Windows Mobile!
4) run X1_HardSPL.exe. (if you want to flash MFG SPL: at this point replace the extracted RUU_Signed.nbh with the MFG version of RUU_Signed.nbh)
5) follow steps in the RUU, and check on the device for prompts after PC shows loading bar.
6) it should go to tricolour screen now and say 0.52.OliNex.MFG (this is SSPL!).
7) Hard-SPL flashes, device automatically reboots, job done.
8 ) to confirm you got it installed, go into bootloader mode (tricolour screen!) and verify the screen shows 0.72.OliNex (or 0.52.OliNex MFG).
*** Flash X1 without PC – Micro SD Method ***
*** Some Kingston brand may have problem to use SD method, no solution other than use RUU method ***
0. Make sure x1 is hard-spl first
1. Make sure yr micro-sd is formatted w/ fat-32
2. rename the image file (normally “ruu_signed.nbh”) to Kovsimg.nbh, copy that to the micro-sd, and put that it yr X1
3. Make sure X1 is disconnect to your PC to avoid goes to serial mode (AC power source is OK)
4. Bring x1 to boot-loader mode by turning off the x1 completely. Hold the “volume down” button on the right, and hold the power on button until you see the tri-color screen.
5. Then follow the on-screen instruction