[RECOVERY] [xRecovery 0.0.1-beta] [3-12-2010] – xda-developers
Press BACK button few times right after white SE logo appears.
Use VOLUME-UP and VOLUME-DOWN to browse, HOME to select, BACK to go back.
- Reboot
- Install update.zip from SD Card
- Factory reset (full wipe)
- Wipe cache partition
- Install custom zip
- Backup and Restore
- Partition tools
- Mount/unmount partitions
- Format partitions
- Mount as USB Storage
- Advanced options
- Wipe Dalvik cache
- Wipe battery stats
- Fix permissions for apps (FC fix)
Installation (easy mode):
1. Install GScript or GScript Lite from market (or here)
2. Unpack the package into your SD Card
3. Open GScript -> Press menu button -> Add script -> Load file -> select xrecovery.sh -> save
4. Click on xrecovery
Installation (normal mode):
1. Unpack the package into your SD Card
2. Issue the commands:
cp /sdcard/gscript/xrecovery.sh /data/local/tmp/xrecovery.sh
chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/xrecovery.sh
Please bear in mind that it’s not the regular android recovery (we cannot replace recovery image without cracked bootloader). Instead, the boot hijacking is used to start recovery mode. You still need basic files on your /system partition to use this. NEVER use the “format /system” option (it’s there only to check if anyone reads this long, boring note).
This recovery is NOT compatibile with Dual Booting for custom roms (for now you can’t have both).
This recovery WILL be used to flash custom roms easily.
DO NOT reinstall busybox. Recovery depends on it’s particular busybox version.
1. Phone must be rooted
2. Busybox from the market installed
0.0.1-beta Initial release
上記の通りにやってみたが、やっぱりshとbusyboxのバージョン違ってるかもしれなくて、うまくshの実行できなかった。その代わりにroot explorerでxrecovery.sh中身の書いてるファイルの取り扱いをやってみた。
mkdir /data/local/tmp/xrecovery
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system
mount -o rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock0 /data/local/tmp/xrecovery
rm -rf /data/local/tmp/xrecovery/*
cp /sdcard/gscript/chargemon /system/bin/chargemon
cp /sdcard/gscript/busybox /system/bin/busybox
cp /sdcard/gscript/xrecovery.tar /data/local/tmp/xrecovery/xrecovery.tar
上記の赤い部分をroot explorerで弄ってから、xrecovery.shを実行すればオッケーになった。
Press BACK button few times right after white SE logo appears.
電源が入ったら、まずは「Sony Ericsson」という文字が出て、ちょっとしたら、ソニエリのいつものロゴが現れ、そのあとシステムに入る。
BACKキーを押すタイミングはSEのロゴの現れる時ではなくて、「Sony Ericsson」の現れてる時なのだ。
Xrecoveryを使ってみる – 風 街
X10的刷ROM至今是用FLASHMODE「即係按住個BACK鍵插USB連接電腦」.雖未有人可hack到個bootloader,不過已有人可以弄出Recovery Menu啦.就係xRecovery啦.
[RECOVERY] [xRecovery 0.0.1-beta] [3-12-2010] – xda-developers
Press BACK button few times right after white SE logo appears.
Use VOLUME-UP and VOLUME-DOWN to browse, HOME to select, BACK to go back.
- Reboot
- Install update.zip from SD Card
- Factory reset (full wipe)
- Wipe cache partition
- Install custom zip
- Backup and Restore
- Partition tools
- Mount/unmount partitions
- Format partitions
- Mount as USB Storage
- Advanced options
- Wipe Dalvik cache
- Wipe battery stats
- Fix permissions for apps (FC fix)
Installation (easy mode):
1. Install GScript or GScript Lite from market (or here)
2. Unpack the package into your SD Card
3. Open GScript -> Press menu button -> Add script -> Load file -> select xrecovery.sh -> save
4. Click on xrecovery
Installation (normal mode):
1. Unpack the package into your SD Card
2. Issue the commands:
cp /sdcard/gscript/xrecovery.sh /data/local/tmp/xrecovery.sh
chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/xrecovery.sh
Please bear in mind that it’s not the regular android recovery (we cannot replace recovery image without cracked bootloader). Instead, the boot hijacking is used to start recovery mode. You still need basic files on your /system partition to use this. NEVER use the “format /system” option (it’s there only to check if anyone reads this long, boring note).
This recovery is NOT compatibile with Dual Booting for custom roms (for now you can’t have both).
This recovery WILL be used to flash custom roms easily.
DO NOT reinstall busybox. Recovery depends on it’s particular busybox version.
1. Phone must be rooted
2. Busybox from the market installed
0.0.1-beta Initial release
我試過按照上面所指的去做,始終可能係sh及busybox啲版本出入問題,而無法正常運作得到sh的.取而代之我試用root explorer把xrecovery.sh內文所指的檔案操作.
mkdir /data/local/tmp/xrecovery
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system
mount -o rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock0 /data/local/tmp/xrecovery
rm -rf /data/local/tmp/xrecovery/*
cp /sdcard/gscript/chargemon /system/bin/chargemon
cp /sdcard/gscript/busybox /system/bin/busybox
cp /sdcard/gscript/xrecovery.tar /data/local/tmp/xrecovery/xrecovery.tar
上面的紅色部分用root explorer唻執行,然後再執行xrecovery.sh便ok了.
另外,那個Recovery Menu之登入方法,我起初好難明,不過總算搵出登入方法啦.
Press BACK button few times right after white SE logo appears.
開啟電源後,首先係會出現「Sony Ericsson」的文字,之後,索愛的logo便會出現,然後便會進入系統.
按BACK鍵的時機其實唔係索愛logo出現後才按,而係於「Sony Ericsson」文字出現時就要按架啦.
最後,上面所寫有關Recovery Menu之功能全都是英文唻的,若想睇日文翻譯的朋友,可以於下記的網站睇睇吧.謝謝風街部落格之管理員先生細心的翻譯喔.
Xrecoveryを使ってみる – 風 街