X10 Android2.1の安全に削除できるアプリ一覧表X10 Android2.1可安全刪除的軟件一覧表
[maybe sticky]Official List of Apps that Can be Removed from a 2.1 x10 – xda-developers
This list has been compiled from own experience and from this thread here, Some apk’s might be a lil incorrect as… well they aint on my phone no more duh so i dont know what their called.
Apps Remove
*[moxiermail.apk] MOXIER An App for syncing Email,Contacts,Calendar and Exhcnage, Not Needed
*[Danish_keyboard.apk] Danish Keyboard are you danish? no? remove this.
*[JapaneseIME.apk] Japan Keyboard are you from tokyo? do you like hello kitty? no? remove this.
*[SEMCTouchPalKoreanQWERTY.apk] Korean Keyboard Do you like Kim Jun Il? no? remove this
*[chinesetextinput.apk] Chinese Keyboard Chinese? Communist? no? remove
*[quadrapop.apk] Quadrapop a really crap game, remove.
*[Email.apk] Email Stock email app, this is not the Gmail one.
*[EManual.apk] & [usersupport.apk] & [uuserguide.apk] The Help Files Its the User Guide for those users not from Generation Y
*[wisepilot.apk] Wisepilot Some Gps app, remove it you have GMaps
*[SEMCSetupWizard.apk] & [SEMCsetupguide.apk] Setup Wizard That program that set up your phone when you first turned it on.
*[playnowback.apk] & [playnowclient.apk] & [playnowappinstaller.apk] Playnow – this is an internet music service integrated into Mediascape & the SE app store
*[officesuite.apk] Office Suite A bare bones app for viewing doc, pdf,xml etc files on you phone, ooooooooooooooooo google docs any1?
*[Telenor_Wrapper.apk] Telenorwrapper (idk wat it is)
*Supernytt This can be removed via the normal Applications
*[creatouch.apk] Creatouch Some random SE paint program, Piece of SH!t
*[backupandrestore.apk] Backup&Restore (lame app)
*[SemcHomeL.apk] HOMELauncher (get a alternative, best backup or freeze)
*[PcCompanion.apk] PC Companion the installer that will install the software on your PC upon USB connection, i suggest remove
*[Browser 2.1-update1] Browser (suggest you backup, dont forget to install your own browser i suggest opera)*Timescape It has been confirmed by myself and others that you do not need this friggin app, remove the following files. i have Back’d them up just in case.
[Timescape Provider 1.0.0]
[Timescape 1.0.0]
[Timescape Plug-in Manager 1.0]
[Timescape Theme Blue 1.0]
[Timescape Theme Green 1.0]
[Timescape Theme Indigo 1.0]
[Timescape Theme Orange 1.0]
[Timescape Theme Sakura 1.0] (sakura = purple lol wtf?)*Mediascape
Without this i suggest you take the galley apk from here
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=826311If you remove mediascape, the default browser will not save most images, so if you remove mediascape get an alternate browser
[Mediascape 1.0]
[Mediascape Plug-in Manager 1.0]___—WIDGETS—___
*[DigitalClock.apk] Digital Clock
*[StatusSwitch.apk] Status Switch widget
*[RecentCalls.apk] Recent Calls Widget
*[Search Widget] Googel Search Widget (i do not recomend, un tested)___—Apps i suggest you don’t remove—___
*Anything Google
*Phonebook (can be removed, just gets messy and you HAVE to have an alt) [Phonebook.apk]
*places / latitude (its built into maps, u need maps)
*sim toolkit (this can be removed BUT i do not recomend it as some service providers have other apps on the sim card you may need, SO UNLESS YOU KNOW for sure you have never used the sim-toolkit, i recomend leaving it there. [SIM ToolKit 2.1update1]___—Lost?—___
First you need to root so go here
Then install Titanium Backup (i suggest you use this method over root explorer)
Or root explorer
Titanium Backup will allow you to Backup/Uninstall and Re-install all of these files, If you have the donate version you can “freeze” an App to see if it breaks the system, and so if you encounter any issues you unfreeze,
OR in root explorer travel to System/app
and make sure you click [Mount RW]cool anything else dont be afraid to ask, but remember search first!
それから、もしも、バックアップせずにシステムのapkを削除して初期化せずに戻したいなら、こちらのスレッドで配布されてる圧縮ファイルはかなり助かると思うよ。つまり、上記の写真の一覧表ですね。しかし、システムのいくつの特定apkを削除すると、再起動くらいもできずにFlasherからするしかたない場合もあるから、ぐれぐれSafe Listまた当スレッドのみんなのコメントを参考してくださいね。
2.1 System Apps – In Case You’ve Deleted Them… – xda-developers
As users keep deleting them, I’ve uploaded my system/app folder for you. There may be one or two missing but most of them are here…
Download Link 1 (41.5 MB)
Download Link 2 (41.5 MB)
把X10的Android2.1 root咗機之後,當然,就梗係會作各樣只有root咗機才做得到的設置架啦.當中,例如,為咗手機內空間多啲而把系統內唔需要用到的apk之類呢.
首先,圖中所見的是X10 Android2.1系統內之所有APK一覧表,唔係所有APK都可以安全刪除的.係呢度要嚴重提醒各位先.
[maybe sticky]Official List of Apps that Can be Removed from a 2.1 x10 – xda-developers
This list has been compiled from own experience and from this thread here, Some apk’s might be a lil incorrect as… well they aint on my phone no more duh so i dont know what their called.
Apps Remove
*[moxiermail.apk] MOXIER An App for syncing Email,Contacts,Calendar and Exhcnage, Not Needed
*[Danish_keyboard.apk] Danish Keyboard are you danish? no? remove this.
*[JapaneseIME.apk] Japan Keyboard are you from tokyo? do you like hello kitty? no? remove this.
*[SEMCTouchPalKoreanQWERTY.apk] Korean Keyboard Do you like Kim Jun Il? no? remove this
*[chinesetextinput.apk] Chinese Keyboard Chinese? Communist? no? remove
*[quadrapop.apk] Quadrapop a really crap game, remove.
*[Email.apk] Email Stock email app, this is not the Gmail one.
*[EManual.apk] & [usersupport.apk] & [uuserguide.apk] The Help Files Its the User Guide for those users not from Generation Y
*[wisepilot.apk] Wisepilot Some Gps app, remove it you have GMaps
*[SEMCSetupWizard.apk] & [SEMCsetupguide.apk] Setup Wizard That program that set up your phone when you first turned it on.
*[playnowback.apk] & [playnowclient.apk] & [playnowappinstaller.apk] Playnow – this is an internet music service integrated into Mediascape & the SE app store
*[officesuite.apk] Office Suite A bare bones app for viewing doc, pdf,xml etc files on you phone, ooooooooooooooooo google docs any1?
*[Telenor_Wrapper.apk] Telenorwrapper (idk wat it is)
*Supernytt This can be removed via the normal Applications
*[creatouch.apk] Creatouch Some random SE paint program, Piece of SH!t
*[backupandrestore.apk] Backup&Restore (lame app)
*[SemcHomeL.apk] HOMELauncher (get a alternative, best backup or freeze)
*[PcCompanion.apk] PC Companion the installer that will install the software on your PC upon USB connection, i suggest remove
*[Browser 2.1-update1] Browser (suggest you backup, dont forget to install your own browser i suggest opera)*Timescape It has been confirmed by myself and others that you do not need this friggin app, remove the following files. i have Back’d them up just in case.
[Timescape Provider 1.0.0]
[Timescape 1.0.0]
[Timescape Plug-in Manager 1.0]
[Timescape Theme Blue 1.0]
[Timescape Theme Green 1.0]
[Timescape Theme Indigo 1.0]
[Timescape Theme Orange 1.0]
[Timescape Theme Sakura 1.0] (sakura = purple lol wtf?)*Mediascape
Without this i suggest you take the galley apk from here
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=826311If you remove mediascape, the default browser will not save most images, so if you remove mediascape get an alternate browser
[Mediascape 1.0]
[Mediascape Plug-in Manager 1.0]___—WIDGETS—___
*[DigitalClock.apk] Digital Clock
*[StatusSwitch.apk] Status Switch widget
*[RecentCalls.apk] Recent Calls Widget
*[Search Widget] Googel Search Widget (i do not recomend, un tested)___—Apps i suggest you don’t remove—___
*Anything Google
*Phonebook (can be removed, just gets messy and you HAVE to have an alt) [Phonebook.apk]
*places / latitude (its built into maps, u need maps)
*sim toolkit (this can be removed BUT i do not recomend it as some service providers have other apps on the sim card you may need, SO UNLESS YOU KNOW for sure you have never used the sim-toolkit, i recomend leaving it there. [SIM ToolKit 2.1update1]___—Lost?—___
First you need to root so go here
Then install Titanium Backup (i suggest you use this method over root explorer)
Or root explorer
Titanium Backup will allow you to Backup/Uninstall and Re-install all of these files, If you have the donate version you can “freeze” an App to see if it breaks the system, and so if you encounter any issues you unfreeze,
OR in root explorer travel to System/app
and make sure you click [Mount RW]cool anything else dont be afraid to ask, but remember search first!
另外,若果,沒有作系統APK的備份,刪除了但又唔想硬啟都可以回復的話,可以到呢個帖內所發布的壓縮檔內有晒所有APK的,可幫上好大忙.即係上記的圖片的一覧表.不過,系統內有好幾個特定APK一刪除,便連重啟都唔得,要Flash過方可,所以千萬,請要參考按照Safe list以及帖內的各方面意啊.
2.1 System Apps – In Case You’ve Deleted Them… – xda-developers
As users keep deleting them, I’ve uploaded my system/app folder for you. There may be one or two missing but most of them are here…
Download Link 1 (41.5 MB)
Download Link 2 (41.5 MB)