


先日はバッテリの長持ちするためいくつの対策をブログに書いた。それは、データの自動同期のを無効し、それから、Advanced Task Killerのいくつの設定だった。


[Tutorial] Increasing battery life drastically with root – xda-developers

Step 1: Download SetCPU from the market or get its via XDA-Dev

Step 2: Install it and allow SuperUser.apk to gain access

Step 3: Leave the settings alone on the main tab. Should be at the top of the max bar and the bottom of the min bar with ondemand selected in the scaling.

Step 4: Check “Set on Boot” on the main tab

Step 5: On the Profile tab, check “Enable” and “Notifications”

Step 6: Click “Add Profile” and add the following profiles

Condition : Charging USB/Full
Max: High as the bar will go
Min: Low as the bar will go
Governor: ondemand
Priority: 50
Condition : Charging AC/Full
Max: High as the bar will go
Min: Low as the bar will go
Governor: ondemand
Priority: 50
Condition : Screen Off
Max: 384000
Min: Low as the bar will go
Governor: ondemand
Priority: 50
Condition : Battery <
Battery<: 30%
Max: 38400
Min: Low as the bar will go
Governor: ondemand
Priority: 50

What this will do is change your CPU usage depending on the state of your phone.

The phone will be allowed to run on full power when on charge if needed.
When the screen is turned off the CPU will run between 245 and 384mhz
When the battery is below 30% the CPU will run between 245 and 384mhz

You should find this will save a ton of battery. I have had ebuddy running in the background for almost 5 hours with 3G connectivity and my battery is at 72%

You can get more juice from your battery is you use JuiceDefender.
Also, remember to add SetCPU in your task manager ignore list!

ちなみに、X10だけなく、うちの嫁のもってるそのX10 miniもさすがに同じのシリーズで、バッテリーもおなじみにはやく落ちてるため、そのX10 miniにも同じ設定をいじった。ん?もちろん、root済みだね。^^;調低CPU速度達致X10航行更久X10啲電好快冇電都應該已經成為所有X10用家的煩惱.

早前我在部)格上寫了慳電的幾項對策.就係關閉資料自動同步同埋Advanced Task Killer的幾樣設定.


[Tutorial] Increasing battery life drastically with root – xda-developers

Step 1: Download SetCPU from the market or get its via XDA-Dev

Step 2: Install it and allow SuperUser.apk to gain access

Step 3: Leave the settings alone on the main tab. Should be at the top of the max bar and the bottom of the min bar with ondemand selected in the scaling.

Step 4: Check “Set on Boot” on the main tab

Step 5: On the Profile tab, check “Enable” and “Notifications”

Step 6: Click “Add Profile” and add the following profiles

Condition : Charging USB/Full
Max: High as the bar will go
Min: Low as the bar will go
Governor: ondemand
Priority: 50
Condition : Charging AC/Full
Max: High as the bar will go
Min: Low as the bar will go
Governor: ondemand
Priority: 50
Condition : Screen Off
Max: 384000
Min: Low as the bar will go
Governor: ondemand
Priority: 50
Condition : Battery <
Battery<: 30%
Max: 38400
Min: Low as the bar will go
Governor: ondemand
Priority: 50

What this will do is change your CPU usage depending on the state of your phone.

The phone will be allowed to run on full power when on charge if needed.
When the screen is turned off the CPU will run between 245 and 384mhz
When the battery is below 30% the CPU will run between 245 and 384mhz

You should find this will save a ton of battery. I have had ebuddy running in the background for almost 5 hours with 3G connectivity and my battery is at 72%

You can get more juice from your battery is you use JuiceDefender.
Also, remember to add SetCPU in your task manager ignore list!

另外,唔單只X10,我太太的X10 mini果然係同系列的手機,就連電池方面都係一樣地咁快冇電,所以我也把那部X10 mini作了相同的設定了.咦?當然就梗係root咗機架啦.^^;


Xperia X10 miniXperia X10 mini

Xperia X10 miniは~ぃ、ここで、クイズの問題で~す。




C。X10 miniを使う。

まぁ、へたくそなクイズ問題だったが、写真をみれば、実はもう明らかになってんだろうね。そ~っ、うちの嫁はX10 miniを使ってるよぉ。


X10 miniはさすがにちっちゃいだな、特に、それをいじり終わったら、自分のX10に戻るとぐわ、画面がでけぇ~くらいインパクトするw

ちなみに、気のせいかかよくわからないが、X10 miniだってX10のようにバッテリが早く落ちるような気がする。電源おおくかからないのにはSetCPUのアプリでかなり効いてるが、それを使うにはroot要だし、それから、X10 miniはRockPlayerでrmvbの再生する時に、CPUの限界でうまくスムーズに再生できなさそうで、以上の二つ時点だってrootにこだわるから、やっぱりrootしないといろいろ不便だな。ネットで、すでにX10 miniのroot済みの記事がのってるから、近いうちにrootっちゃおうかな。^^;Xperia X10 mini好啦,選擇題唻啦~.




C.用X10 mini.

雖然個選擇題好爛,不過從圖中可清楚睇倒吧.係啊,我家內子用X10 mini啊.


X10 mini果然係好細部,特別係掂完之後,番返去我部X10時,嘩,個畫面好大啊的強烈感覺.w

另外,唔知係唔係心理作用,好似X10 mini一樣好似X10咁樣咁食電啊.慳電對策方面用SetCPU的軟件效果幾好,不過那個軟件係要用到root機的,另外,X10 mini用RockPlayer播rmvb片時,由於CPU的極限,所以無法暢順播放映片,以上兩點都要root機先解決得倒的,所以始終都係唔root唔方便.網上面已有X10 mini的root機啲記事上載了,遲啲等我都root咗佢啦.^^;


なんとX10iのR2BA024をroot化した總算把X10i的R2BA024 root咗



問題点はMarket Fixについて、R2BA023向けのをR2BA024のにアパッチ当たってしまったなのだ。そうしたら、エラーだけなく、ブートすらできなくなっちまって、最初はめちゃ焦ってた。やり直すことになる陰でで、もうちょっとroot化の手順とその内容がはっきりにわかってきた。




[GUIDE] Root your X10 R2BA024 ! { Update 26.07.2010 R2BA024 Root with 2/3-Steps }

Step 0
Extract the file to a desired folder!
Please extract it to a folder without spaces.
For example:
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Rooting is not good!

If you are running a 64-Bit System you should have downloaded the additional file!
Please extract it and copy the “DevID”-folder in “Step1”-Folder AND in “X10a”-Folder! Just overwrite the existing files!

Step 1
Now you must run the first flash Process.
To do it just run the file: “1_downgrade_flash.cmd”.
It will give you a screen like this:

If you see that you have to connect your X10 in Flashmode now!
Connecting in flashmode is easy:
Shutdown your phone -> Connect USB Cable TO PHONE -> Push and HOLD the Back-Button -> CONNECT USB Cable to PC.
If you see the green LED in the upper right corner you are in Flashmode!
Now quick press ENTER (you have ~5sec until X10 boots up and leaves flashmode)

If you done everything right you should see a lot of commands running in your Dosbox. It will look like this:

You have to wait a few minutes until you get this Message:

Congrats! Now you completed Step1! Please disconnect phone from PC an take your Battery out for ~5 sec.

Step 2

First startup the Phone and activate USB-Debugging:
Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging!
This looks like this:

Now execute the file named: “2_root_system.cmd” !
After you executed you should the this :

If you got a Error your USB-Debug mode doesnt work well. You have to reinstall new Pc-Companion! (Best is that you install thisone which your phone offers you)

If this step worked you should see this Screen at your phone after a few seconds:

run step 2 and select “update from sdcard” on phone. Be patient and don’t push the button again! It will take a few seconds!

After it’s done you should see this screens at your phone:

All you have to do now is wait until this finishes. The phone seems to restart 4-5 times.
If everything is done your phone will bootup automatically!

Now after your phone rebooted, please check again if USB-Debugging is still active!
If it’s active you have to switch back to the open Command Prompt windows and Push any key to finish the step! This will install the rest of the software including the su and superuser.apk!
It will look like this if the step runs well:

Congrats you have finished step2!
If you have a X10i you are done here!

Step 3 – X10a Only!
Okay now you have to complete the conversion from X10i to X10a!
For this is step3!
To do it please run the file named: “3_patch_X10a_only.cmd”
After the copying is done you will see a similar window as in step1. It will tell you that you should connect your X10 in flashmode!
Please do it like in step 1. Connect the phone an press any button. The process will flash the baseband of X10a R2!

Now you are done

こちらはR2BA024向けのMarket Fixアパッチなのです。

xda-developers – View Single Post – [GUIDE] Root your X10 R2BA024 ! { Update 26.07.2010 R2BA024 Root with 2-3-Steps }

Heres the Market Fix ive used on my Rooted x10i running R2BA024.
This is for an x10i with r2ba024 only.
Unzip and make sure you have debugging mode enabled and double click runme.cmd and let it run

x10i R2BA024 Market Fix

總算把X10i的R2BA024 root咗係XDA的討論局,見X10i啲帖發現又有新的已root的build rom啦,所以下載後安了我部X10上試吓.


問題點係有關Market Fix,我把R2BA023專用的patch放入了R2BA024之上.咁樣做唔單只有error,就連boot機都boot唔入,嚇死我了.多得要重新做過一次之後,令我更加明白root機當中的工序以及內容.

至今的root的工序的話,總言之,起初用flash mode轉回R2BA016,然係flash最新的firmware,最後就係放入root要用倒啲軟件啦.

正因為咁樣,所以,即使root機途中有咩差錯都好啦,總言之,由頭再從flash mode再返回R2BA016的話就可以架啦,root機呢類好似好危險的行為,就算唔得都可以修復,真係唔洗愁啊.


[GUIDE] Root your X10 R2BA024 ! { Update 26.07.2010 R2BA024 Root with 2/3-Steps }

Step 0
Extract the file to a desired folder!
Please extract it to a folder without spaces.
For example:
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Rooting is not good!

If you are running a 64-Bit System you should have downloaded the additional file!
Please extract it and copy the “DevID”-folder in “Step1”-Folder AND in “X10a”-Folder! Just overwrite the existing files!

Step 1
Now you must run the first flash Process.
To do it just run the file: “1_downgrade_flash.cmd”.
It will give you a screen like this:

If you see that you have to connect your X10 in Flashmode now!
Connecting in flashmode is easy:
Shutdown your phone -> Connect USB Cable TO PHONE -> Push and HOLD the Back-Button -> CONNECT USB Cable to PC.
If you see the green LED in the upper right corner you are in Flashmode!
Now quick press ENTER (you have ~5sec until X10 boots up and leaves flashmode)

If you done everything right you should see a lot of commands running in your Dosbox. It will look like this:

You have to wait a few minutes until you get this Message:

Congrats! Now you completed Step1! Please disconnect phone from PC an take your Battery out for ~5 sec.

Step 2

First startup the Phone and activate USB-Debugging:
Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging!
This looks like this:

Now execute the file named: “2_root_system.cmd” !
After you executed you should the this :

If you got a Error your USB-Debug mode doesnt work well. You have to reinstall new Pc-Companion! (Best is that you install thisone which your phone offers you)

If this step worked you should see this Screen at your phone after a few seconds:

run step 2 and select “update from sdcard” on phone. Be patient and don’t push the button again! It will take a few seconds!

After it’s done you should see this screens at your phone:

All you have to do now is wait until this finishes. The phone seems to restart 4-5 times.
If everything is done your phone will bootup automatically!

Now after your phone rebooted, please check again if USB-Debugging is still active!
If it’s active you have to switch back to the open Command Prompt windows and Push any key to finish the step! This will install the rest of the software including the su and superuser.apk!
It will look like this if the step runs well:

Congrats you have finished step2!
If you have a X10i you are done here!

Step 3 – X10a Only!
Okay now you have to complete the conversion from X10i to X10a!
For this is step3!
To do it please run the file named: “3_patch_X10a_only.cmd”
After the copying is done you will see a similar window as in step1. It will tell you that you should connect your X10 in flashmode!
Please do it like in step 1. Connect the phone an press any button. The process will flash the baseband of X10a R2!

Now you are done

呢個係R2BA024專用的Market Fix檔.

xda-developers – View Single Post – [GUIDE] Root your X10 R2BA024 ! { Update 26.07.2010 R2BA024 Root with 2-3-Steps }

Heres the Market Fix ive used on my Rooted x10i running R2BA024.
This is for an x10i with r2ba024 only.
Unzip and make sure you have debugging mode enabled and double click runme.cmd and let it run

x10i R2BA024 Market Fix

Written by カガヤキ in: Android,XPERIA X10,モバイル,雑記 | タグ: , ,

APN Backup & RestoreAPN Backup & Restore

APN Backup & RestoreAndroidだけじゃないはずだが、とにかく、正規品の端末を購入したら、APNの設定はすでに入ってるから、別に困らないが、平行輸入品の端末または一度フラッシュしてrootったら、APNの設定なら、もうなくなり、それらをいちいち手動しなければならいんだな。

NokiaまたSony EricssonらのノンシンビアンのOSならら、マカオの一般的なキャリアにも決まってるコードを発信したら、APNの設定をSMSで届け、それを保存したら、APNの設定が完了するけど。

Windows Mobileとか、Androidとか、そんなのSMSでAPNの設定を保存したりするできないのため、手動で設定またはアプリで済ませなければならないんだね。

Windows Mobileの場合ならまだましかもしれないね、Connection Setupのcabファイルがあれば、それを導入して済ませばいい。

Androidの場合は僕の知ってる限りに、やっぱり手動でしなければならない、しかし、APN設定のバックアップとリストアできるアプリがあるから、それはAPN Backup & Restoreなのだ。一度手動でAPN設定を果たしたら、そのアプリでバックアップして、次に新しいファームウェアの更新して、データ初期化になったら、そのアプリを導入し、SDカードにバックアップされてたxmlファイルをリストアすれば楽々だね。




<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<apns count="2">
  <apn name="CTMGPRS" numeric="45501" mcc="455" mnc="01" apn="ctm-mobile" user="" server="" password="" proxy="" port="8080" mmsproxy="" mmsport="" mmsprotocol="null" mmsc="" type="null" />
  <apn name="CTMMMS" numeric="45501" mcc="455" mnc="01" apn="ctmmms" user="" server="" password="" proxy="" port="" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" mmsprotocol="null" mmsc="http://mms.wap.ctm.net:8002" type="null" />

APN Backup & Restore其實唔單只係Android,總言之,買行貨機的話,APN啲設定就已經係入面,唔洗擔心設定問題,不過水貨機又或者旦flash過部機唻root機的話,APN的設定就會冇咗,要手動方可.

Nokia又或者Sony Ericsson啲非symbina機的話,澳門啲一般電訊公司都可以用已定啲code作撥出便會收到APN設定的SMS,把其儲存,就已經搞掂APN啲設定架啦.

但係Windows Mobile,又或者Android之類戈啲,唔能夠好似用SMS唻儲存APN啲設定,要手動設定又或者用啲軟件先做得到.

Windows Mobile的情況都還可以,因為可以搵到Connection Setup的cab檔,安裝後,就可以搞得掂.

Android的情況,以我所知的話,好似只得手動而已,不過有APN設定備份還原的軟件,就係それはAPN Backup & Restore啦.先手動設咗APN一次之後,用那個軟件作備份,下次更新FIRMWARE,原廠設定化咗之後,可以安裝那個軟件,再從已備份在SD卡中的xml檔用唻還原咁就好方便架啦.




<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<apns count="2">
  <apn name="CTMGPRS" numeric="45501" mcc="455" mnc="01" apn="ctm-mobile" user="" server="" password="" proxy="" port="8080" mmsproxy="" mmsport="" mmsprotocol="null" mmsc="" type="null" />
  <apn name="CTMMMS" numeric="45501" mcc="455" mnc="01" apn="ctmmms" user="" server="" password="" proxy="" port="" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" mmsprotocol="null" mmsc="http://mms.wap.ctm.net:8002" type="null" />









Barnacle Wifi TetherBarnacle Wifi Tether

Barnacle Wifi Tetherroot済みX10を持ってる自分はもちろん、いろいろrootにこだわってるものを試したりするから、そのうちのひとつのWIFIテザリングのは定番だろうね。

最初はWireless Tether for Root Usersをいれてみたが、うちのXperia X10にはなんだかエラーばっかり出てきて、それはHTCの端末のほうが向いてるかもしれないのであきらめた。

それから、ご覧写真通りのBarnacle Wifi Tetherでなんとなく使えるようになった。最初はLANのなにかのエラーが出たか、ネットでBarnacle Wifi Tetherの設定を探ったら、なんと下記のサイトでLANに「athwlan0」は欠けてるのがわかって、それを書き込んだら問題なく動いてた。

Android手機也可以當無線分享器—Barnacle Wifi Tether @ 電腦王阿達的3C胡言亂語  痞客邦 PIXNETBarnacle Wifi Tether擁有已root機的X10既我,就當然梗係會試吓各樣非root機不可使用的軟件啦,而其中以WIFI作TETHER的就梗係例牌之作吧.

起初我試過安裝Wireless Tether for Root Users到我部X10的,不過狂出錯誤信息,可能呢個軟件較為HTC啲機種而設的,所以放棄咗使用佢啦.

另外,如圖中所見的就係Barnacle Wifi Tether,終算可以運作起來啦.起初不斷出現LAN啲唔知咩問題錯誤的,上網搵Barnacle Wifi Tether啲設定過後,總算俾我係下面的網頁發現原來LAN戈欄缺了「athwlan0」的設定,填好後無晒問題可以運作啦.

Android手機也可以當無線分享器—Barnacle Wifi Tether @ 電腦王阿達的3C胡言亂語 痞客邦 PIXNET


ADW.Launcher 1.01ADW.Launcher 1.01

ADW.Launcher 1.01オフィシャルサイト:ADW Things

Androidのデフォルトのホームスクリーンのいろいろ機能も貧しすぎて、ちなみに、最近、ADW Launcherはかなり人気があるそうなので、お試しにそれをいれてみた。


ご覧写真通りに、アプリのショートカットはほとんどまんかに集中してるようにみえるね。実はね、その周りにあいてるところにもアプリのアイコンをいれることができるから、つまり、もっとアプリのショートカットをつけられるが、指でサイドのちかくのタッチはよく効かなかったりするのがあるから、そのままに空かせとくね。ADW.Launcher 1.01官網:ADW Things

Android預設的Home Screen各樣功能實在太少啦,另外,最近,ADW Launcher好似幾受歡迎咁款,所以試安裝唻試吓.







  1. まずは、出勤中に、X10をパソコンとつなげっぱなしで離さない。「もちろん、端末自体はなにもしてないではなく、ずっとネットで回してる」
  2. 寝る前に、X10を朝まで充電する。しかも、APNを無効し、SetCPUでCPUの最低値に設定しといてる。
  3. すべての自動同期を無効にする。
  4. Advanced Task Killerで下記の設定をする。
    ATTENTION! Xperia X10 battery problem SOLVED once and for all! Not kidding – xda-developers
    The settings i use : Auto Kill Level ==> Aggressive
    Auto kill Frequency => When screen off
    Security Level ==> Low




Sony Ericsson – Products – Accessories – Overview – BST-41X10的電池問題講開有關X10啲討論的話,大部份啲話題都離唔開好快食電之類都唔定.的而且確,起初入手X10時我已經察覺得倒架啦.


  1. 首先,返工期間,長期把X10與電腦連接唔放.「當然啦,手機本身也長期於連線狀態.」
  2. 訓覺前,把X10叉電到天光.而且仲係要把APN關上,用SetCPU把CPU調到最低值.
  3. 把全部啲自動同步關閉.
  4. 用Advanced Task Killer作以下的設定
    ATTENTION! Xperia X10 battery problem SOLVED once and for all! Not kidding – xda-developers
    The settings i use : Auto Kill Level ==> Aggressive
    Auto kill Frequency => When screen off
    Security Level ==> Low




Sony Ericsson – 產品 – 配件 – 概覽 – BST-41


Market Enabler/MarketAccessMarket Enabler/MarketAccess

Market Enabler/MarketAccessAndroidのある情報サイトで、Android Marketの有料アプリのを落とせる方法が見つかった。rootなしの場合は、一度海外のSIMカードを端末に使ったら、Android Marketには有料アプリのも現れてくるそうです。しかし、その手は海外のSIMカードを持てないとなにもできないんですね。


xda-developers – View Single Post – Market Enabler

MarketAccess Version 1.0.5 Updated.

Note: prevous my post link updated to the latest.


Change Log:

*force install location option for FroYo (Auto/Internal/SD)
*improved root check
*better error reporting if setting sim numeric failed
*code optimizations

上記のアプリの名前はもともとMarket Enablerで、そしてMarketAccessと改名されたそうですね。どんなアプリだといえば、モバイルのSIMのエミュレーターと理解すればわかりやすいかもしれないですね。一覧表にはJPとか選びたかったが、それはないので、仕方なくCHのにした。そのエミュレーターで有料アプリの提供してる他国のSIMのエミュしたら、Android Marketには有料アプリも現れてくるんですよぉ。そうすれば、海外のSIMカードを借りて有効したりしなくてもいいですね、しかも、いろいろ国のエミュでもできるしね、ちなみに、JPのも追加したほしいんですね。Market Enabler/MarketAccessAndroid的某資訊網站,發現可以於Android Market下載收費軟件的方法.唔洗root機的情況,只要曾一度於手機用過一次海外啲SIM Card,Android Market內便會出現收費軟件架啦.不過,呢個方法若冇海外SIM Card的話,就咩都做唔到架啦.


xda-developers – View Single Post – Market Enabler

MarketAccess Version 1.0.5 Updated.

Note: prevous my post link updated to the latest.


Change Log:

*force install location option for FroYo (Auto/Internal/SD)
*improved root check
*better error reporting if setting sim numeric failed
*code optimizations

上記的軟件的原名好似係從Market Enabler改為MarketAccess.係咩軟件呢,可以理解手機的SIM卡作模擬器可能會易明啲.一覧表內冇JP選,只好選CH啦.用呢個模擬器,模擬那些可提供收費軟件的國家之後,Android Market內便會出現收費軟件架啦.咁樣做的話,就唔洗借啲海外SIM Card作生效都以經搞得掂,而且,仲可以模擬其他國家添,另外,希望佢加埋JP就好啦.






xda-developers – View Single Post – [GUIDE] Root your X10 R2BA023 ! { Update 06.07.2010 Nicer Instructions D }

Originally Posted by ZeritoX View Post
On my rooted X10i with the R2B020, if I wipe it by software,what happens? I lose root and it is equal to flashing a non-rooted R2B020?

You mean if you do a factory reset? It will still be rooted, but you’lll lose all your apps, including SuperUser and Better Terminal. You won’t lose su and betterbox. You can run step3 again to reinstall them, but you’ll get a few errors when it’s trying to install betterbox (because it’s already installed). Don’t worry about the errors, and don’t forget to re-enable Unknown sources and USB debugging beforehand.

DON’T run cleanup.cmd again, because you don’t get any apps back when you do a factory reset. Anything you deleted (like Moxier, etc.) will still be gone. If you have an X10a, you don’t need to run step4 and step5 again (but you can if you want).

I’ve done it on my rooted X10a R2BA023 before. I recommend running Titanium Backup before doing any of this.

なるほど、つまり、rootの手順のstep3のコマンドはSuperUserとBetter Terminalの導入するだね、たとえデータ初期化したら、rootとかかわれてるその二つファイルしか消えないということだろうね。





xda-developers – View Single Post – [GUIDE] Root your X10 R2BA023 ! { Update 06.07.2010 Nicer Instructions D }

Originally Posted by ZeritoX View Post
On my rooted X10i with the R2B020, if I wipe it by software,what happens? I lose root and it is equal to flashing a non-rooted R2B020?

You mean if you do a factory reset? It will still be rooted, but you’lll lose all your apps, including SuperUser and Better Terminal. You won’t lose su and betterbox. You can run step3 again to reinstall them, but you’ll get a few errors when it’s trying to install betterbox (because it’s already installed). Don’t worry about the errors, and don’t forget to re-enable Unknown sources and USB debugging beforehand.

DON’T run cleanup.cmd again, because you don’t get any apps back when you do a factory reset. Anything you deleted (like Moxier, etc.) will still be gone. If you have an X10a, you don’t need to run step4 and step5 again (but you can if you want).

I’ve done it on my rooted X10a R2BA023 before. I recommend running Titanium Backup before doing any of this.

原來係咁,即係話,用root的方法中step3的指令就可以安裝番SuperUser同埋Better Terminal,就算重設為原廠設定,與root相關的程式被刪除的都只係那兩個檔案而已.



Written by カガヤキ in: Android,XPERIA X10,モバイル,雑記 | タグ: , ,