自分はAndroidを使っていた時に、よぉくTransdroidで自宅鯖のuTorrentをリモートしていろいろのダウンロードしたりしてた。iPhoneにも似たようなアプリがあるかなと調べたら、確かにあるあるだが、使うにはJBの必要があってさ、いまだにJBってない自分にはやっぱりしばらくパスしかないかもしれないですね。ただし、uTorrentのwebuiに対し、改造したり人が結構いて、そのなかに僕のもっとも気になるはこのiPhone uTorrent WebUI (Fijian Warrior Edition)だね。
You must have the very lastest uTorrent WebUI installed first before you can install my iPhone WebUI edition. Instructions can be found here and here . Older versions of the uTorrent WebUI will no longer be supported by me.
Now download the zip found above top right of my site, extract it, inside there is a folder called ‘iphone’ take that folder and place it inside the webui.zip that you installed in at ‘%AppData%\uTorrent’ on your PC. Don’t extract the webui zip just add the iphone folder to it.
Next on your iPhone go to the URL of your uTorrent WebUI adding /iphone/(ie http://YOURIP:PORT/gui/iphone/i.html), enter your username / password you should now see all your torrents.
我自己用Android的時候,常用Transdroid唻控制自設伺服器內的uTorrent作各樣的下載的.我試搵一吓iPhone有否類似的軟件,的確係有的,不過要JB咗先可用到的軟件來的,由於我至今仍未JB部機所以只好暫否弄佢吧.不過,就對於uTorrent的webui改造,其實有好多人都有整過架,當中我最愛的就是呢個iPhone uTorrent WebUI (Fijian Warrior Edition)啦.
You must have the very lastest uTorrent WebUI installed first before you can install my iPhone WebUI edition. Instructions can be found here and here . Older versions of the uTorrent WebUI will no longer be supported by me.
Now download the zip found above top right of my site, extract it, inside there is a folder called ‘iphone’ take that folder and place it inside the webui.zip that you installed in at ‘%AppData%\uTorrent’ on your PC. Don’t extract the webui zip just add the iphone folder to it.
Next on your iPhone go to the URL of your uTorrent WebUI adding /iphone/(ie http://YOURIP:PORT/gui/iphone/i.html), enter your username / password you should now see all your torrents.