
Xperia X10 miniの最新正規ファムウェアの更新「root取得済」Xperia X10 mini的最新固件之更新「已root機」

Xperia X10 miniの最新正規ファムウェアの更新「root取得済」




ずっと放置中このX10 miniをつい最近、けっこう活用にしてみてる。

まずは、ちょっとだけ、僕のこのX10 miniの持ち主の更新履歴を語らせてもらう。


上記の経緯のわけで、うちのX10 miniの見た目はかなりボロボロになってる。「息子によぉく投げられたりして」。それから、もともと女性用のを買ったので、端末カバーは「ピンク/レッド/ホワイト」しかなく、ホワイト以外の色は男らしい僕は使うと余計な視線を呼ぶから、ホワイトのにした。もちろん、ブラックのあったら、ブラックでいいのにな。




それでは、くどすぎてすみません、本題に参ります。なぜ急にそれを活用してみるといえば、近いうちに、3人家族で一泊二日の香港旅にいくなので、香港のプリペイドSIMカードをX10 miniにいれ、WIFIテザリングのにして、自分のArcも嫁のX10も繋げてネットできるようにするためなのだ。




X10 miniファームウェアの更新情報といえば、X10ほどラッキーではなく、ソニエリ側は明らかにAndroid2.1以上の更新のないと発表されてるので、本家のROMならそれまでってことね。

Android2.1のままだと、USB/WIFIのテザリングはサードを使うしかない。まぁ、root取得できてるし、PDANETとBarnacle Wifi Tetherを使ったこともあるので、問題ないけど。

久々にXDAのX10 miniスレッドを見たら、GingerBreadのカスタムロムも出てるなので、いっそとそれにしとこうかなと思った。




[ROM]Newest Original 2.1 SE ROM! 2.1.1.C.0.0 – xda-developers

Recovery Instructions:
-download the file
-unpack the zip file
-the folder copy into your SD/xrecovery/backup folder
-reboot telephone the recovery
-selected the new folder
-when install is finish reboot your phone

Flashtool Instructions:
based on this instructions: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show…6#post14242086

Recovery: http://www.multiupload.com/0ZQUT79FQT
Flashtool: http://www.multiupload.com/NJEA9SVFZ6

Infos the refreshing:
-10-20%-al faster system (I justify it)
-Nagyobb inner memory 156mb (I justify it)
-Repaired system stability (time is needed for this…)
-Google android the correction of a gap integrated (this was the refreshing his capital reason)
-15%-os uptime improvement (i don’t know yet)
-Repairing the Timescape-ben (I was useful never)
-Laggolások his correction (in truth better than the ones until now)
-Repairing the camera in a program. (I do not see a difference)

 Xperia X10 mini的最新固件之更新「已root機」




一直都只係放埋一邊的呢部X10 mini,最近我把其活用起來一吓.

首先,先講吓呢部X10 mini的經手人紀錄吧.


正因為依上記的經緯,我部X10 MINI外表幾殘破吓.「因曾常被囝囝掉來掉去.」.另外,原為女性而買的,所以機殼只有「粉紅/桃紅/珠白」,而咁有男子氣概的我若果用珠白色以外的顏色,真係會引來視線注目,所以用白色.如果有黑色就梗係用黑色就好啦.




好啦,抱歉講到離灑題啦,入番正題.點解會突然把呢部機活用一吓呢,因為遲啲,會一家三口去香港兩日一夜,諗住買香港儲值卡放入X10 mini,然後而WIFI Tethering,連接我部Arc及太太部X10上網.




X10 mini的固件更新情報,沒有X10咁好彩,索愛已宣佈唔會再有Android2.1之更新.即係話,用原裝ROM的話,就此為止架啦.

如果係用Android2.1的話,USB/WIFI Tethering的方法只可以用第三方軟件.且已root機,又曾用過PDANET同埋Barnacle Wifi Tether,雖無問題.

好耐冇去XDA的X10 mini專欄一看之下,原來已有GingerBread的定制ROM添啦,我諗住索性試升一吓佢唻試試.




[ROM]Newest Original 2.1 SE ROM! 2.1.1.C.0.0 – xda-developers

Recovery Instructions:
-download the file
-unpack the zip file
-the folder copy into your SD/xrecovery/backup folder
-reboot telephone the recovery
-selected the new folder
-when install is finish reboot your phone

Flashtool Instructions:
based on this instructions: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show…6#post14242086

Recovery: http://www.multiupload.com/0ZQUT79FQT
Flashtool: http://www.multiupload.com/NJEA9SVFZ6

Infos the refreshing:
-10-20%-al faster system (I justify it)
-Nagyobb inner memory 156mb (I justify it)
-Repaired system stability (time is needed for this…)
-Google android the correction of a gap integrated (this was the refreshing his capital reason)
-15%-os uptime improvement (i don’t know yet)
-Repairing the Timescape-ben (I was useful never)
-Laggolások his correction (in truth better than the ones until now)
-Repairing the camera in a program. (I do not see a difference)



QuickMark QRコードスキャナーQuickMark QR Code 行動二維條碼掃瞄器

QuickMark QRコードスキャナー







  • 夫:最近、こういうコードがはやってんね。「手紙の封筒を指していう」
  • 妻:そうね。それはなだっけ?!
  • 夫:さぁ。







さぁ、まだよくQRコードわからない皆さんにも、ぜひQRコードも楽しんでみてください。QuickMark QR Code 行動二維條碼掃瞄器







  • 夫:最新,呢類型的編號多咗好多嘢.「手指指住個信封」
  • 妻:係啊,係啲咩呢架?!
  • 夫:唔知喔.



不過,如果係普通的bar code的話,係超市全部貨品都會有,大概嗰啲就一定會知吧.



就算例如Android或iPhone幾咁智能手機也好,預設都係冇閱讀QR碼的功能的,講到安裝第三方軟件的話,呢個QuickMark大概都係例牌要安裝的吧.幾乎咩手機都用得倒.而且,仲有埋Bar Code閱讀添.



Xperia Arcのシステムアプリ「説明付き」完全一覧表Xperia Arc系統軟件「含記明」完整一覧表

Xperia Arcのシステムアプリ「説明付き」完全一覧表




Xperia Arcのroot取得したら、自分的にいらないアプリを消したいが、どれらを消したらNGか、どれらを消しても無事に再起動または無事に動いてるか、こちらの徹底的な分析リストはかなり目安と思う。











 xda-developers – View Single Post – The Complete Comprehensive List of System Apps for Xperia Arc (Updated)

Apps that are unsafe to remove or are linked to phone’s capabilities:
(Keep them if you want access to all of your phone’s features.)

Note: Many of these only run when needed while a few of them are persistent services that are about 1mb sizes. While removing them may give you a few mb more, keeping them is rather insignificant.
Note: Some of them can also be removed if you have replaced or removed the main app they are tied to, but read the descriptions carefully!

Originally Posted by oddbasketAccountAndSyncSettings.apk — Account and Sync Settings
AdobeFlashPlayer.apk — Adobe Flash Player
AntHalService.apk — Hardware Abstraction Layer
ApplicationsProvider.apk — Search Applications Provider (ASP service)
Bluetooth.apk — Bluetooth Share
bootinfo.apk — Download Agent
CalendarProvider.apk — calendar storage
CertInstaller.apk — Certificate Installer
CredentialManagerService.apk — Credential Manager Service
CustomizationProvider.apk — regionalization
CustomizationSimPayType.apk — regionalization
CustomizedApplicationInstaller.apk — regionalization
CustomizedSettings.apk — regionalization
DefaultCapabilities.apk — hardware capabilities
DefaultContainerService.apk — Package Access Helper (web container service)
device-monitor.apk — plug and play monitoring
DMClient.apk — Software Updater
DownloadProvider.apk — Market Download Manager
DrmDialogs.apk — DRM sync service
DrmProvider.apk — DRM Protected Content Storage
enhancedusbux.apk — usb driver
FastDormancy.apk — Network Fast Dormancy
FmRxService.apk — FM receiver service
genericappinstaller.apk — application installer service
GoogleBackupTransport.apk — Android Backup Service for apps
GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk — calendars sync
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk — contacts sync
GoogleServicesFramework.apk — google services framework
InfiniteView.apk — phonebook info page
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk — Change Live wallpapers
LocalContacts.apk — phone contacts
Maps.apk — google maps
MarketUpdater.apk — android market updater
MediaProvider.apk — Media Storage (Ringtones, Notifications)
MtpAppGB.apk — Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
NetworkLocation.apk — Network Location Manager (Location Services, Check-in, Geo-tagging)
OMAClientProvisioning.apk — OTA network settings download
OmaV1AgentDownloadServices.apk — OTA services download and purchase/billing services
PackageInstaller.apk — package installer
Phonebook.apk — Phonebook
PicoTts.apk — SVOX Text To Speech service (used by navigation/translators/dictionaries)
ReadyToRun.apk — OMA Sync extension
SemcCameraApplication.apk — Camera
SemcContactsProvider.apk — Contacts Storage
SemcHdmiControlService.apk — HDMI CEC
SemcHdmiEnabler.apk — HDMI
SemcPhone.apk — Keypad Dialer
SemcSettings.apk — Sony Ericsson Settings Menu > Connectivity/Settings Download
SemcTelephonyProvider.apk — Dialer Storage
ServiceMenu.apk — Service Menu
Settings.apk — System Settings
SettingsProvider.apk — Settings Storage
ShutDownAnimation.apk — Shutdown Animation
SoundPicker.apk — Sound picker
Sync.apk — OMA account services
SystemUI.apk — Notification bar
Talk.apk — Google Talk
TtsService.apk — Android Text To Speech Service
usb-mtp-update-wrapper.apk — MTP extension polling
usb-mtp-vendor-extension-service.apk — Sony Ericsson MTP extension
UseragentProvider.apk — User Agent Storage
UserDictionaryProvider.apk — user dictionary storage
Vending.apk — Android Market
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppApplication.apk — Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppMedia.apk — Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppPlatform.apk — Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppShared.apk — Certificate identifier
VoiceDialer.apk — Voice Dialer
VoiceSearch.apk — Voice Search
VoipCallLogProvider.apk — VOIP Call Log
VpnServices.apk — VPN Services
WapiCustomization.apk — WAP settings
WapPush.apk — WAP push (for receiving MMS)

Safe to remove:
(These apps can be removed without ill effects to the Arc’s health.)
*Note: New APKs from the 2.3.3 update.

Originally Posted by oddbasketAccessoryKeyDispatcher.apk — event listener (unsure of trigger, hardware and handsfree keys work without it.)
Calculator.apk — default calculator
CdfInfoAccessor.apk — Software Component Descriptions
chinesetextinput.apk — chinese keyboard
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.foursquare_ext_ts3.apk — Timescape Foursquare Extension
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.timescapefeedsplugin.a pk — Timescape Feeds
com.whatsapp.apk — Whatsapp
*CoreNotificationPublisher.apk — Lock Screen Notifications
CrashSMS.apk — Diagnostics Tool (debug helper)
datatrafficswitch.apk — mobile data on/off widget
DigitalClockWidget.apk — clock widget
DownloadProviderUi.apk — default browser downloads folder
EventStream.apk — Timescape
EventStreamPluginCallLog.apk — Timescape Call Log Extension
EventStreamPluginFacebook.apk — Timescape Facebook Extension
EventStreamPluginTelephony.apk — Timescape Telephony extension
EventStreamPluginTwitter.apk — Timescape Twitter extension
facebook.apk — Facebook
*FBCalendarSync.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Calendar Sync
*FBMediaDiscovery.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Media Discovery
*FBMusicLike.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Music Like
*FBNotificationPublisher.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Facebook Notifications
*FBSetupwizard.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Setup Wizard (not needed to setup or for FB Integration to work)
GenieWidget.apk — News and Weather
Gmail.apk — Gmail app
GoogleFeedback.apk — Market Feedback Agent (forceclose reporting for apps installed from Market)
GooglePartnerSetup.apk — Google Partner Setup (no longer needed after setting up Gmail)
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk — google quick search box
HTMLViewer.apk — HTML viewer (view HTML files directly from file manager)
IddAgent.apk — Anonymous Usage Stats
JapaneseIME.apk — japanese keyboard
LearningClient.apk — learns user typed words for default keyboard
letsgolf_A_353.apk — Let’s Golf game
LiveWallpapers.apk — Live wallpapers pack
LivewareManager.apk — Liveware Manager
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk — Live wallpaper
MediaWidget.apk — Media shortcuts widget
MediaUploader.apk — My Uploads for Youtube uploading (not needed if just watch Youtube)
MusicWidget.apk — default Music player widget
*NotificationProvider.apk — Lock Screeen Notifications Storage
officesuite.apk — Office Suite
OmaDatasyncService.apk — Sony Ericsson Sync
PhotoWidget.apk — Picture Frame widget
*playnowclientarvato.apk — Playnow Store (replaces the 2 APKs in the list directly below)
playnowappinstaller.apk — Playnow updater
playnowclient.apk — Playnow
POBoxSknPink.apk — japanese keyboard skin
POBoxSknWood.apk — japanese keyboard skin
Protips.apk — Pro Tips widget
qcsemcservice.apk — RIL extension for default browser
Radio.apk — FM radio
retaildemo.apk — retail demo
SecureClockJava.apk — web clock service (some DRM or Secure services may use this, restore if you need it.)
SemcCrashMonitor.apk — debugger
SemcDlna.apk — media server
*SEMCFacebookService.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Service
SEMCSetupWizard.apk — setup wizard
SemcVideoEdit.apk — video editor
SoundRecorder.apk — sound recorder
StatusSwitch.apk — Status switch widget
Stk.apk — Sim Tool Kit
Street.apk — Google Street view
SyncWizard.apk — Sony Ericsson Sync Account
timescapelegacywrapper.apk — Timescape plugin
TimescapeSpline.apk — Timescape widget spline
TimescapeWidget.apk — Timescape widget
touchnote.apk — Touch notes postcard
trackid.apk — TrackID
*UnsupportedHeadsetNotification.apk — Possibly a notification when pairing with unsupported bluetooth headsets
usersupport.apk — Support
VisualizationWallpapers.apk — Live wallpaper
WallpaperPicker.apk — Sony Ericsson Wallpapers
widgetdigitalclock.apk — clock widget
widgetonoff.apk — widget on/off toggles
YouTube.apk — YouTube

Can be replaced:
(These apps can be safely removed and be replaced by preferred third party apps of the same function.)

Warning: Sony Ericsson’s home launcher should not be removed until after another third party home launcher has been installed and properly set up to take over it’s function.
Note: Depending on the third party calendar app of choice, it may be advisable to setup your calendars using the default calendar app before removing it.
Note: Most third party messaging apps cannot send and receive MMS if the stock messaging app is removed.
Note: Removing the default clock widget will also remove the alarm feature. Ensure your clock of choice has alarms or have another alarm app installed.

Originally Posted by oddbasketBrowser.apk — default web browser
Calendar.apk — default calendar
Conversations.apk — default messaging
Home.apk — default home launcher
SemcDeskClock.apk — default clock and alarm
SemcEmail.apk — default email app
SemcGallery3D.apk — default gallery
SemcMusic.apk — default music player
textinput-tng.apk — default keyboard

Updating of System apps:
Unlike user apps, when system apps get updated, the original apk in /system/app cannot be replaced automatically. Hence the newer version will be installed as a user app in /data/app.
To save space on your rom, the original ones in /system/app can be deleted. Or, you can manually replace the newer ones from /data/app to /system/app.
Deleting the ones in /system/app is recommended since future updates will replace them and saves space on the rom.

Warning: It is safer to remove System apps from /System/App after you have updated them. 
Note: Doing either method for facebook.apk will cause you to lose your facebook contacts. However, they can be restored by launching the facebook app, press back button, then menu button > Settings > Sync Contacts. You will also have to manually resync the ones that have been manually added using ‘Join Contacts’ as well.
Note: The exception is AdobeFlashPlayer.apk. Manually moving it to /system/app will not work. It only works when it’s properly installed. So, simply delete the one in /system/app instead. And if it stops working, simply tap the one in /data/app to reinstall it properly.
Note: Having only one instance of Android Market will also fix the bug where some users’ Market will not correctly show all the apps that are installed under ‘My apps’.
Note: If you use the copy and paste method, you need to set the permissions for the APK after moving. Permissions: Check all for Read, check Owner for Write, leave the rest unchecked.

The apks currently with updates are:

Originally Posted by oddbasketfacebook.apk — Facebook
com.whatsapp.apk — Whatsapp
Maps.apk — Google Maps
Vending.apk — Android Market
AdobeFlashPlayer.apk — Adobe Flash Player

Making User Apps into System Apps:
System and User apps are stored in partitioned memory, meaning they have separate amounts of memory allocated ie. System Storage Memory and User Storage Memory.
There is ~100mb of unused System app storage going to waste.
By making a User app into a System app, you change it’s storage location and free up space to allow you to install more User apps. This is done simply by moving the User app to System app storage.

Note: Recommended apps to move can be home launchers, input methods, apps that you want permanently available on the phone ie. without SD card, apps that you don’t need to update.
Warning: Caution when moving a system app back to user app! Example: Moving a home launcher from System/App to Data/App breaks it. Your phone will not work without a working home launcher! Restore the default home launcher to System/App before doing it!

1. Browse to /data/app and locate the APK you want to move
2. Move* the APK to /system/app
3. Reboot

*If you use the copy and paste method, you need to set the permissions for the APK after moving. Permissions: Check all for Read, check Owner for Write, leave the rest unchecked.

Telco specific system bloatware:
(These are the ones in /System/App. The ones in /Data/App can be removed through Settings > Applications > Manage Applications.)

Singtel (Singapore):

Originally Posted by oddbasketcom.qoowaa.act_103.apk — AppXtra
com.singtel.singtelbpl.apk — Singtel BPL
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.storefront.apk — AMPed Store

Xperia Arc系統軟件「含記明」完整一覧表 




把Xperia Arc已root機的話,大概都會想把一啲對自己唔太需要的軟件刪除,但又唔知邊啲唔可刪除,邊啲就算刪除咗都可以正常重啟,而以下的就有一份好徹底詳細的分析表,好正.











 xda-developers – View Single Post – The Complete Comprehensive List of System Apps for Xperia Arc (Updated)

Apps that are unsafe to remove or are linked to phone’s capabilities:
(Keep them if you want access to all of your phone’s features.)

Note: Many of these only run when needed while a few of them are persistent services that are about 1mb sizes. While removing them may give you a few mb more, keeping them is rather insignificant.
Note: Some of them can also be removed if you have replaced or removed the main app they are tied to, but read the descriptions carefully!

Originally Posted by oddbasketAccountAndSyncSettings.apk — Account and Sync Settings
AdobeFlashPlayer.apk — Adobe Flash Player
AntHalService.apk — Hardware Abstraction Layer
ApplicationsProvider.apk — Search Applications Provider (ASP service)
Bluetooth.apk — Bluetooth Share
bootinfo.apk — Download Agent
CalendarProvider.apk — calendar storage
CertInstaller.apk — Certificate Installer
CredentialManagerService.apk — Credential Manager Service
CustomizationProvider.apk — regionalization
CustomizationSimPayType.apk — regionalization
CustomizedApplicationInstaller.apk — regionalization
CustomizedSettings.apk — regionalization
DefaultCapabilities.apk — hardware capabilities
DefaultContainerService.apk — Package Access Helper (web container service)
device-monitor.apk — plug and play monitoring
DMClient.apk — Software Updater
DownloadProvider.apk — Market Download Manager
DrmDialogs.apk — DRM sync service
DrmProvider.apk — DRM Protected Content Storage
enhancedusbux.apk — usb driver
FastDormancy.apk — Network Fast Dormancy
FmRxService.apk — FM receiver service
genericappinstaller.apk — application installer service
GoogleBackupTransport.apk — Android Backup Service for apps
GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk — calendars sync
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk — contacts sync
GoogleServicesFramework.apk — google services framework
InfiniteView.apk — phonebook info page
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk — Change Live wallpapers
LocalContacts.apk — phone contacts
Maps.apk — google maps
MarketUpdater.apk — android market updater
MediaProvider.apk — Media Storage (Ringtones, Notifications)
MtpAppGB.apk — Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
NetworkLocation.apk — Network Location Manager (Location Services, Check-in, Geo-tagging)
OMAClientProvisioning.apk — OTA network settings download
OmaV1AgentDownloadServices.apk — OTA services download and purchase/billing services
PackageInstaller.apk — package installer
Phonebook.apk — Phonebook
PicoTts.apk — SVOX Text To Speech service (used by navigation/translators/dictionaries)
ReadyToRun.apk — OMA Sync extension
SemcCameraApplication.apk — Camera
SemcContactsProvider.apk — Contacts Storage
SemcHdmiControlService.apk — HDMI CEC
SemcHdmiEnabler.apk — HDMI
SemcPhone.apk — Keypad Dialer
SemcSettings.apk — Sony Ericsson Settings Menu > Connectivity/Settings Download
SemcTelephonyProvider.apk — Dialer Storage
ServiceMenu.apk — Service Menu
Settings.apk — System Settings
SettingsProvider.apk — Settings Storage
ShutDownAnimation.apk — Shutdown Animation
SoundPicker.apk — Sound picker
Sync.apk — OMA account services
SystemUI.apk — Notification bar
Talk.apk — Google Talk
TtsService.apk — Android Text To Speech Service
usb-mtp-update-wrapper.apk — MTP extension polling
usb-mtp-vendor-extension-service.apk — Sony Ericsson MTP extension
UseragentProvider.apk — User Agent Storage
UserDictionaryProvider.apk — user dictionary storage
Vending.apk — Android Market
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppApplication.apk — Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppMedia.apk — Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppPlatform.apk — Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppShared.apk — Certificate identifier
VoiceDialer.apk — Voice Dialer
VoiceSearch.apk — Voice Search
VoipCallLogProvider.apk — VOIP Call Log
VpnServices.apk — VPN Services
WapiCustomization.apk — WAP settings
WapPush.apk — WAP push (for receiving MMS)

Safe to remove:
(These apps can be removed without ill effects to the Arc’s health.)
*Note: New APKs from the 2.3.3 update.

Originally Posted by oddbasketAccessoryKeyDispatcher.apk — event listener (unsure of trigger, hardware and handsfree keys work without it.)
Calculator.apk — default calculator
CdfInfoAccessor.apk — Software Component Descriptions
chinesetextinput.apk — chinese keyboard
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.foursquare_ext_ts3.apk — Timescape Foursquare Extension
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.timescapefeedsplugin.a pk — Timescape Feeds
com.whatsapp.apk — Whatsapp
*CoreNotificationPublisher.apk — Lock Screen Notifications
CrashSMS.apk — Diagnostics Tool (debug helper)
datatrafficswitch.apk — mobile data on/off widget
DigitalClockWidget.apk — clock widget
DownloadProviderUi.apk — default browser downloads folder
EventStream.apk — Timescape
EventStreamPluginCallLog.apk — Timescape Call Log Extension
EventStreamPluginFacebook.apk — Timescape Facebook Extension
EventStreamPluginTelephony.apk — Timescape Telephony extension
EventStreamPluginTwitter.apk — Timescape Twitter extension
facebook.apk — Facebook
*FBCalendarSync.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Calendar Sync
*FBMediaDiscovery.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Media Discovery
*FBMusicLike.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Music Like
*FBNotificationPublisher.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Facebook Notifications
*FBSetupwizard.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Setup Wizard (not needed to setup or for FB Integration to work)
GenieWidget.apk — News and Weather
Gmail.apk — Gmail app
GoogleFeedback.apk — Market Feedback Agent (forceclose reporting for apps installed from Market)
GooglePartnerSetup.apk — Google Partner Setup (no longer needed after setting up Gmail)
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk — google quick search box
HTMLViewer.apk — HTML viewer (view HTML files directly from file manager)
IddAgent.apk — Anonymous Usage Stats
JapaneseIME.apk — japanese keyboard
LearningClient.apk — learns user typed words for default keyboard
letsgolf_A_353.apk — Let’s Golf game
LiveWallpapers.apk — Live wallpapers pack
LivewareManager.apk — Liveware Manager
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk — Live wallpaper
MediaWidget.apk — Media shortcuts widget
MediaUploader.apk — My Uploads for Youtube uploading (not needed if just watch Youtube)
MusicWidget.apk — default Music player widget
*NotificationProvider.apk — Lock Screeen Notifications Storage
officesuite.apk — Office Suite
OmaDatasyncService.apk — Sony Ericsson Sync
PhotoWidget.apk — Picture Frame widget
*playnowclientarvato.apk — Playnow Store (replaces the 2 APKs in the list directly below)
playnowappinstaller.apk — Playnow updater
playnowclient.apk — Playnow
POBoxSknPink.apk — japanese keyboard skin
POBoxSknWood.apk — japanese keyboard skin
Protips.apk — Pro Tips widget
qcsemcservice.apk — RIL extension for default browser
Radio.apk — FM radio
retaildemo.apk — retail demo
SecureClockJava.apk — web clock service (some DRM or Secure services may use this, restore if you need it.)
SemcCrashMonitor.apk — debugger
SemcDlna.apk — media server
*SEMCFacebookService.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Service
SEMCSetupWizard.apk — setup wizard
SemcVideoEdit.apk — video editor
SoundRecorder.apk — sound recorder
StatusSwitch.apk — Status switch widget
Stk.apk — Sim Tool Kit
Street.apk — Google Street view
SyncWizard.apk — Sony Ericsson Sync Account
timescapelegacywrapper.apk — Timescape plugin
TimescapeSpline.apk — Timescape widget spline
TimescapeWidget.apk — Timescape widget
touchnote.apk — Touch notes postcard
trackid.apk — TrackID
*UnsupportedHeadsetNotification.apk — Possibly a notification when pairing with unsupported bluetooth headsets
usersupport.apk — Support
VisualizationWallpapers.apk — Live wallpaper
WallpaperPicker.apk — Sony Ericsson Wallpapers
widgetdigitalclock.apk — clock widget
widgetonoff.apk — widget on/off toggles
YouTube.apk — YouTube

Can be replaced:
(These apps can be safely removed and be replaced by preferred third party apps of the same function.)

Warning: Sony Ericsson’s home launcher should not be removed until after another third party home launcher has been installed and properly set up to take over it’s function.
Note: Depending on the third party calendar app of choice, it may be advisable to setup your calendars using the default calendar app before removing it.
Note: Most third party messaging apps cannot send and receive MMS if the stock messaging app is removed.
Note: Removing the default clock widget will also remove the alarm feature. Ensure your clock of choice has alarms or have another alarm app installed.

Originally Posted by oddbasketBrowser.apk — default web browser
Calendar.apk — default calendar
Conversations.apk — default messaging
Home.apk — default home launcher
SemcDeskClock.apk — default clock and alarm
SemcEmail.apk — default email app
SemcGallery3D.apk — default gallery
SemcMusic.apk — default music player
textinput-tng.apk — default keyboard

Updating of System apps:
Unlike user apps, when system apps get updated, the original apk in /system/app cannot be replaced automatically. Hence the newer version will be installed as a user app in /data/app.
To save space on your rom, the original ones in /system/app can be deleted. Or, you can manually replace the newer ones from /data/app to /system/app.
Deleting the ones in /system/app is recommended since future updates will replace them and saves space on the rom.

Warning: It is safer to remove System apps from /System/App after you have updated them. 
Note: Doing either method for facebook.apk will cause you to lose your facebook contacts. However, they can be restored by launching the facebook app, press back button, then menu button > Settings > Sync Contacts. You will also have to manually resync the ones that have been manually added using ‘Join Contacts’ as well.
Note: The exception is AdobeFlashPlayer.apk. Manually moving it to /system/app will not work. It only works when it’s properly installed. So, simply delete the one in /system/app instead. And if it stops working, simply tap the one in /data/app to reinstall it properly.
Note: Having only one instance of Android Market will also fix the bug where some users’ Market will not correctly show all the apps that are installed under ‘My apps’.
Note: If you use the copy and paste method, you need to set the permissions for the APK after moving. Permissions: Check all for Read, check Owner for Write, leave the rest unchecked.

The apks currently with updates are:

Originally Posted by oddbasketfacebook.apk — Facebook
com.whatsapp.apk — Whatsapp
Maps.apk — Google Maps
Vending.apk — Android Market
AdobeFlashPlayer.apk — Adobe Flash Player

Making User Apps into System Apps:
System and User apps are stored in partitioned memory, meaning they have separate amounts of memory allocated ie. System Storage Memory and User Storage Memory.
There is ~100mb of unused System app storage going to waste.
By making a User app into a System app, you change it’s storage location and free up space to allow you to install more User apps. This is done simply by moving the User app to System app storage.

Note: Recommended apps to move can be home launchers, input methods, apps that you want permanently available on the phone ie. without SD card, apps that you don’t need to update.
Warning: Caution when moving a system app back to user app! Example: Moving a home launcher from System/App to Data/App breaks it. Your phone will not work without a working home launcher! Restore the default home launcher to System/App before doing it!

1. Browse to /data/app and locate the APK you want to move
2. Move* the APK to /system/app
3. Reboot

*If you use the copy and paste method, you need to set the permissions for the APK after moving. Permissions: Check all for Read, check Owner for Write, leave the rest unchecked.

Telco specific system bloatware:
(These are the ones in /System/App. The ones in /Data/App can be removed through Settings > Applications > Manage Applications.)

Singtel (Singapore):

Originally Posted by oddbasketcom.qoowaa.act_103.apk — AppXtra
com.singtel.singtelbpl.apk — Singtel BPL
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.storefront.apk — AMPed Store


X10 Android2.3.3のROM一覧表「DL可」X10 Android2.3.3的ROM一覧表「可DL」

X10 Android2.3.3のROM一覧表「DL可」














[Download] Deleted thanks to rendeiro2005 – xda-developers

All (currently available) X10i 2.3 Generic Kits

X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-AE GENERIC 1238-8010.zip (137,4 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-AU GENERIC 1234-6150.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-BE GENERIC 1238-0870.zip (139,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-CH GENERIC 1237-0688.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-DE GENERIC 1235-7836.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-GBA GENERIC 1238-3757.zip (140,3 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-HK GENERIC 1234-6286.zip (142,6 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-ID GENERIC 1237-0687.zip (142,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-IT GENERIC 1237-0326.zip (140,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-NCB GENERIC 1234-8465.zip (140,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-NL GENERIC 1234-8547.zip (140,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-PH GENERIC 1237-0696.zip (142,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-SG GENERIC 1237-0334.zip (142,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-TH GENERIC 1237-0336.zip (142,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-UK GENERIC 1235-7379.zip (140,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUSTO-IBE GENERIC 1238-3760.zip (140,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUSTOMIZEDARO-ARO GENERIC 1241-1846.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUSTOMIZEDCE1-CE1 GENERIC 1237-8344.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUSTOMIZEDCE3-CE3 GENERIC 1236-4636.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUSTOMIZEDSA-SA GENERIC 1238-6349.zip (137,7 MB)

All X10i 2.1 Generic Kits

X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-AE GENERIC 1238-8010.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-AU GENERIC 1234-6150.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-BE GENERIC 1238-0870.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-CH GENERIC 1237-0688.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-GBA GENERIC 1238-3757.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-HK GENERIC 1234-6286.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-ID GENERIC 1237-0687.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-IN GENERIC 1237-0692.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-IT GENERIC 1237-0326.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-NCB GENERIC 1234-8465.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-NL GENERIC 1234-8547.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-PH GENERIC 1237-0696.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-RU GENERIC 1233-2792.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-SG GENERIC 1237-0334.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-TW GENERIC 1233-7027.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-UK GENERIC 1235-7379.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTO-IBE GENERIC 1238-3760.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTOMIZEDARO-ARO GENERIC 1241-1846.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTOMIZEDCE1-CE1 GENERIC 1237-8344.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTOMIZEDCE3-CE3 GENERIC 1236-4636.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTOMIZEDSA-SA GENERIC 1238-6349.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTZA-ZA GENERIC 1238-3758.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_GLOBAL-GGL GENERIC 1232-9897.zip
X10i_2.1.1.A.0.6_CUST-TH GENERIC 1237-0336.zip
X10i_2.1.B.0.1_CUST-DE GENERIC 1235-7836.zip


 X10 Android2.3.3的ROM一覧表「可DL」














[Download] Deleted thanks to rendeiro2005 – xda-developers

All (currently available) X10i 2.3 Generic Kits

X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-AE GENERIC 1238-8010.zip (137,4 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-AU GENERIC 1234-6150.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-BE GENERIC 1238-0870.zip (139,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-CH GENERIC 1237-0688.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-DE GENERIC 1235-7836.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-GBA GENERIC 1238-3757.zip (140,3 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-HK GENERIC 1234-6286.zip (142,6 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-ID GENERIC 1237-0687.zip (142,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-IT GENERIC 1237-0326.zip (140,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-NCB GENERIC 1234-8465.zip (140,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-NL GENERIC 1234-8547.zip (140,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-PH GENERIC 1237-0696.zip (142,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-SG GENERIC 1237-0334.zip (142,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-TH GENERIC 1237-0336.zip (142,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUST-UK GENERIC 1235-7379.zip (140,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUSTO-IBE GENERIC 1238-3760.zip (140,5 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUSTOMIZEDARO-ARO GENERIC 1241-1846.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUSTOMIZEDCE1-CE1 GENERIC 1237-8344.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUSTOMIZEDCE3-CE3 GENERIC 1236-4636.zip (140,2 MB)
X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_CUSTOMIZEDSA-SA GENERIC 1238-6349.zip (137,7 MB)

All X10i 2.1 Generic Kits

X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-AE GENERIC 1238-8010.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-AU GENERIC 1234-6150.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-BE GENERIC 1238-0870.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-CH GENERIC 1237-0688.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-GBA GENERIC 1238-3757.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-HK GENERIC 1234-6286.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-ID GENERIC 1237-0687.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-IN GENERIC 1237-0692.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-IT GENERIC 1237-0326.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-NCB GENERIC 1234-8465.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-NL GENERIC 1234-8547.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-PH GENERIC 1237-0696.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-RU GENERIC 1233-2792.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-SG GENERIC 1237-0334.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-TW GENERIC 1233-7027.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUST-UK GENERIC 1235-7379.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTO-IBE GENERIC 1238-3760.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTOMIZEDARO-ARO GENERIC 1241-1846.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTOMIZEDCE1-CE1 GENERIC 1237-8344.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTOMIZEDCE3-CE3 GENERIC 1236-4636.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTOMIZEDSA-SA GENERIC 1238-6349.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_CUSTZA-ZA GENERIC 1238-3758.zip
X10i_2.1.A.0.435_GLOBAL-GGL GENERIC 1232-9897.zip
X10i_2.1.1.A.0.6_CUST-TH GENERIC 1237-0336.zip
X10i_2.1.B.0.1_CUST-DE GENERIC 1235-7836.zip




X10 ADB driversX10 ADB drivers

X10 ADB drivers



X10のドライバといえば、出荷時のSDカードにも入っていて、それから、PC Companionをパソコンにいれてすでに出来上がりと思うけど。




XDAのこっちらのスレッドにはドライバだけの取り出しで、それからX10 2.3.3 ADB Driverらしいなので、X10のユーザーたち、もしも、今の使っているドライバつまり、2.1からもうつかってるドライバには2.3.3の更新のあとパソコンとの操作うまくいかなくなったら、その最新ドライバでもやってみよね。




xda-developers – View Single Post – 2.3.3 ADB drivers

Talking 2.3.3 ADB drivers

If anyone like me didn’t want to install the SE pc suite just to get the adb drivers.. then please find them attached 

Attached Files
File Type: zip x10_2.3.3_adb_drviers.zip – [Click for QR Code] (3.53 MB, 6132 views)


X10 ADB drivers



講到X10的驅動程式的話,出機時所跟的記憶卡,又或者,安裝PC Companion到電腦的話便會有埋的.




不過XDA的以下呢個帖,好似係抽出X10 2.3.3 ADB的驅動程式來的,X10的用家們,假若,現用緊的驅動程式,即從2.1用到至今的,對於2.3.3更新後與電腦操作上有啲唔妥的話,可以一試呢個驅動程式的喔.




xda-developers – View Single Post – 2.3.3 ADB drivers

Talking 2.3.3 ADB drivers

If anyone like me didn’t want to install the SE pc suite just to get the adb drivers.. then please find them attached 

Attached Files
File Type: zip x10_2.3.3_adb_drviers.zip – [Click for QR Code] (3.53 MB, 6132 views)



Xperia Arc ADB DriversXperia Arc ADB Drivers

Xperia Arc ADB Drivers




この間、あるネット書き込みにはArcのドライバを探したいというスレッド/レスが見つかり、実は、もしも、ソニエリのPC Companionをパソコンにインストールすればすでに入ってくると思うし、それから、Arcの出荷時のおまけSDカードの下記のパスにもちゃんと入ってるし、たどり着く道はいくらでもあるよぉ。





もちろん、PC Companionをインストールするのを面倒いと思い、それから、出荷時のおまけSDカードをバックアップ取らずにフォーマットしたら、下記のXDAスレッドだとピッタリだと思うね。ArcのADB driverだけのダウンロード。


 xda-developers – View Single Post – ADB drivers for ARC [solved]


These are the drivers i used (win7/32 bit) and they work well. Honestly, i got no clue where i got them from, SE site?

You could give them a try.
Hope it works out for you

edit: just saw they are probably the same as you already have, not much help i guess, sorry!

Xperia Arc ADB Drivers



早前,於某討論區發現某帖話想搵Arc的驅動程式,其實,若安裝索愛的PC Companion到電腦的話就已經可以有埋個驅動程式係裏頭,另外,Arc出機時所跟的記憶卡內如下記的路徑都會搵到的.





當然啦,認為安裝PC Companion好麻煩,另外,山機時那張卡沒有備份而又已格式化的話,下記的XDA呢個帖就最適合不過啦.淨係下載Arc的ADB driver.


 xda-developers – View Single Post – ADB drivers for ARC [solved]


These are the drivers i used (win7/32 bit) and they work well. Honestly, i got no clue where i got them from, SE site?

You could give them a try.
Hope it works out for you

edit: just saw they are probably the same as you already have, not much help i guess, sorry!













SMSの場合はSMS Backup & Restoreのを使い、アプリはAppMonster2を使ってるので、APKだけのバックアップを取る。(基本的にファームウェアの更新はアプリを再導入してほうが上策だしね。)それから、通話履歴のほうは別にどうでもいいので、とにかく、一応ソニエリおまけのバックアップアプリで丸ごとバックアップをとったが、X10はAndroid2.3.3になると、いつもソニエリのおまけバックアップアプリはなくなり、それから、それをいれてやろうとしてもいけなさそうなんだ。詳しくは下記にかなり丁寧に書かれてる。代わりにできるアプリは「My Backup Root」でいけそうらしいね。




[HOW TO]Backup Apps + Data before upgrading to Gingerbread(2.3.3.) – xda-developers

Please note: SE Backup and Restore is not meant to work in 2.3.3
Even though most members already know these apps, still useful for those who don’t.

Contacts: I strongly suggest backing up your contacts in a vcf file using the SE Export contacts option in phonebook. There are options of import and export along with it. You can save the backup on ur SD card. Once you are on 2.3.3, you can import your contacts using a third party app like Import Contacts by edam. The ROM only gives you the option to import contacts from SIM card. But with this app, you can get all ur contacts back.

APPS: We all know the magic of Titanium Backup. Use this tool to backup all your apps and I hereby confirm that most apps can be restored in 2.3.3. For others, reinstalling from the Market would do the trick, depending upon the app of course.

Messages and Call Log: Use My Backup Root to backup your call log and messages. Copy the backup data from sdcard/rerware/MyBackup/AllBackups to your computer or another folder in sd card. When you are on 2.3.3, delete rerware folder from sdcard and install new My Backup Root from Market and copy the backup to the new directory(sdcard/rerware/MyBackup/AllBackups). Then restore.
Even though the tool backs up your contacts, it wont restore them to 2.3.3 somehow. This is still being investigated.









それから、自分の過去のxRecovery経験によると、xRecoveryを入れたら、たとえカスタムロムではなく、オフィシャルロムをいれてもたまに急に勝手な再起動の不安定があったため、もしもxRecovery導入の必要のないならば、しばらくxRecoveryを避けてもいいんじゃないかと個人的なオススメなのだ。もちろん、最近のxRecoveryはもう安定してるかどうかよくわからないけど、でも、xRecovery導入すれば、ArcからのEngine Bravia MobileとかxLoudとかX10に移植できてるから、さすがに悪くないので、もしもX10でもArcのような体験やってみたければ、今後xRecoveryの導入はたぶん向き合わなければならないかもしれないね。





[TOOL] [UPDATE 29/07/2011] Flashtool BETA version (Added 2.3.3 ftf) – xda-developers


Download FlashTool version Beta :

http://www.multiupload.com/7H4JT35B6G (MD5: 4C370DDC5B6D40F96CA00D856019B19F)






X10i Generic

Generic version 2.3.3 build 3.0.1.G.0.75 (MD5: 36F52BAA3556CDD7E56383614C01E5D6)











 [ROOT] aZuZu Root Method for stock SE 2.3.3 GB – Step By Step – xda-developers



1. Make sure u are on stock 2.3.3 FW
2. Enable Unknown Sources & USB debugging in Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources & Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging
3. Power down device
4. Flash — >>> Kernel downgrade <<< … [ Leave FlashTool running] —
5. Remove usb cable
6. Power on device
7. Immediately connect usb cable
—- In some cases “Debug” becomes off so repeat step 2.
8. Wait till you see any info in FlashTool, then click root.
9. After root reboot is done
10. Pull out battery and wait for few mins
11. Enter flash mode. and
12. Flash — >>> Kernel upgrade <<< .
13. Power on your phone and phone will be rooted.

This method this will not wipe ur existing data.












SMS的話用SMS Backup & Restore,而軟件就用AppMonster2,所以只作APK的備份.(基本上韌體之更新所有軟件重裝較為上策架)另外,通話紀錄方面其實唔要都得的,總言之,就先用咗索愛原裝的軟件作備份,不過X10升Android2.3.3之後,冇咗索愛平時的備份軟件,就算安裝上去唻試都係唔得的.以下有詳細地寫咗有關內容.好似可用「My Backup Root」代替的.




[HOW TO]Backup Apps + Data before upgrading to Gingerbread(2.3.3.) – xda-developers

Please note: SE Backup and Restore is not meant to work in 2.3.3
Even though most members already know these apps, still useful for those who don’t.

Contacts: I strongly suggest backing up your contacts in a vcf file using the SE Export contacts option in phonebook. There are options of import and export along with it. You can save the backup on ur SD card. Once you are on 2.3.3, you can import your contacts using a third party app like Import Contacts by edam. The ROM only gives you the option to import contacts from SIM card. But with this app, you can get all ur contacts back.

APPS: We all know the magic of Titanium Backup. Use this tool to backup all your apps and I hereby confirm that most apps can be restored in 2.3.3. For others, reinstalling from the Market would do the trick, depending upon the app of course.

Messages and Call Log: Use My Backup Root to backup your call log and messages. Copy the backup data from sdcard/rerware/MyBackup/AllBackups to your computer or another folder in sd card. When you are on 2.3.3, delete rerware folder from sdcard and install new My Backup Root from Market and copy the backup to the new directory(sdcard/rerware/MyBackup/AllBackups). Then restore.
Even though the tool backs up your contacts, it wont restore them to 2.3.3 somehow. This is still being investigated.









此外,依我過往所使用xRecovery之經驗,安裝咗xRecovery的話,就算係非custom rom而係原裝rom也好,都會間唔中隨時自己會重啟的問題,所以個人建議若沒有必要安裝xRecovery的話,暫避免安裝佢為妙.當然啦,最近啲xRecovery是否已穩定好多,我就唔清楚,但係安裝咗xRecovery的話,可用佢呢安裝一啲例如只有Arc才會有的Engine Bravia Mobile及xLoud之類的移植到X10之上使用,真係唔錯架,若要以X10唻體驗一吓一啲Arc啲功能的話,今後始終都要面對xRecovery之安裝必要吧.





[TOOL] [UPDATE 29/07/2011] Flashtool BETA version (Added 2.3.3 ftf) – xda-developers


Download FlashTool version Beta :

http://www.multiupload.com/7H4JT35B6G (MD5: 4C370DDC5B6D40F96CA00D856019B19F)






X10i Generic

Generic version 2.3.3 build 3.0.1.G.0.75 (MD5: 36F52BAA3556CDD7E56383614C01E5D6)





按下記所述的以自己的說話簡單啲講那概念的就係,先刷官ROM的Android2.3.3,開啟USB DEBUG MODE後關機,用Flashtool唻downgrade kernel,之後拔USB,開機,隨即再插番USB,用Flashtool的root鍵可以按的時候,就可以按佢,完成後會自己重啟,之後,拔電池,再放回電池後,再以flashmode利用flashtool唻upgrade kernel之後開機就成功root機了.下記的方法有兩個好處,首先就係唔洗用xRecovery,另外就係唔會郁動到user data,就咁就用得.


補充說明:依說明及我自己實際所試的都係個Flashtool全程不用關閉就得咗,不過,某啲X10用家說,downgrade kernel之後,先關一次個Flashtool之後,個root鍵才可按下,若遇到有類似問題的用家們,可以一試吧.




 [ROOT] aZuZu Root Method for stock SE 2.3.3 GB – Step By Step – xda-developers



1. Make sure u are on stock 2.3.3 FW
2. Enable Unknown Sources & USB debugging in Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources & Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging
3. Power down device
4. Flash — >>> Kernel downgrade <<< … [ Leave FlashTool running] —
5. Remove usb cable
6. Power on device
7. Immediately connect usb cable
—- In some cases “Debug” becomes off so repeat step 2.
8. Wait till you see any info in FlashTool, then click root.
9. After root reboot is done
10. Pull out battery and wait for few mins
11. Enter flash mode. and
12. Flash — >>> Kernel upgrade <<< .
13. Power on your phone and phone will be rooted.

This method this will not wipe ur existing data.




Androidの蚊取りアプリ「Mosquito Buster」Android的蚊香軟件「Mosquito Buster」

Androidの蚊取りアプリ「Mosquito Buster」


蚊取りまた蚊よけのアプリといえば、Windows Mobileからもあった気がする。








もしも、女房よけモードも入ったらいいのにね。静かにね。wAndroid的蚊香軟件「Mosquito Buster」


防蚊/除蚊軟件的話,Windows Mobile嗰陣屎都好似已經有.










Androidのメモリーを高速最適化する「Memory Booster」把Android記憶體優化「Memory Booster」

Androidのメモリーを高速最適化する「Memory Booster」

Androidの経験者にはよく知ってるかもしれないと思う。端末を長く再起動せずに使ってたら、特に多くアプリを起動したら、RAM足りなくて、システムはRAMを解放するため、起動中アプリは消されてしまう恐れもある。実は同じような問題でもほかのスマホにもある。「Windows MobileやiPhoneなど」



そんな時に、Memory Boosterというアプリをオススメします。

Androidのメモリーを高速最適化でき、それに設定をもって自動的にもメモリーを解放してくれるし、長く稼動していて再起動してなくてもそんなにすぐメモリー足りなくならないし、それから、ホワイトリストがあって、そこにどうしてもRAMに消してほしくないアプリを登録できるし、本当に定番のアプリなのだ。把Android記憶體優化「Memory Booster」

Android的用家大概都可能會知道都唔定.部機開得太耐又唔重啓的話,特別係開得太多軟件的話,會唔夠RAM用,系統會為咗釋放返啲RAM出唻,而用緊的軟件可能會被開閉的.其實類似的問題,其他機種都會有.「如Windows Mobile及iPhone等等」



係呢個時候,介紹一個名叫Memory Booster的軟件.



モバイルでSDカードの情報とスピードをチェックするアプリ「SD Tools」用手機去檢查SD卡的資料及速度的軟件「SD Tools」

モバイルでSDカードの情報とスピードをチェックするアプリ「SD Tools」パソコンでメモリーカードの情報とスピードのチェックするアプリはいくつもあるが、すでにAndroid端末にいれてるメモリーカードをわざと本体カバーをとってバッテリもとってからメモリーカードを取り出してパソコンでチェックする気もないので、できれば、Android端末のアプリでそのままチェックできるのがいいね、そんな時に、SD Toolsというアプリをお勧めします。




ご覧写真とおりに、格好いいメーターで読み込みと書き込みのスピードの表示してるから、目安ね。それから、スピードチェックの結果はネットランキングに投稿できるぞぉ。用手機去檢查SD卡的資料及速度的軟件「SD Tools」用電腦去檢查記憶卡啲資料及測速的軟件有好多,不過把已放任Android手機裏的記意卡專登要取出機殼,又取出電池,又要取出張卡之後放到電腦上檢查,未必真係好有興致吧,盡可能的話,都希望可以用Android手機直接有軟件去檢查就好吧,係呢個時候最適合介紹的就係呢個名叫SD Tools的軟件.



