
Xperia ArcのCM7体験Xperia Arc之CM7體驗

Xperia ArcのCM7体験




Xperia ArcのBL解除するにはカスタムROMを使うためなのだが、最初はそんなにカスタムROMの開発されてないため、BL解除するには単なる最新正規ファームのroot取得のためだった。




CyanogenModよりの発表にはついにXperia Arcのも開発するため、今後、Xperia ArcのCM7もけっこう活躍されるだと考えられる。



















First time flashing CyanogenMod 7 to the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc, or coming from another ROM?

  • Root the device and install ClockworkMod Recovery. Instructions are available here.
  • Perform a NANDroid backup of your current ROM.
  • Format the system, data & cache partitions of your device.
  • Perform a factory reset.
  • Flash CyanogenMod.
  • Optional: Install the Google Apps addon package.

Upgrading from earlier version of CyanogenMod 7?

  • Perform a NANDroid backup of your current ROM.
  • Flash CyanogenMod (your Google Apps will be backed up & restored automatically).


Experience issues? Please provide the following info:

  • If the device was hard reboot, please provide the file “/proc/last_kmsg”.
  • If the device was soft reboot or is “bootlooping”, please run a logcat and provide the full output.
  • Please use Pastebin when possible.

Xperia Arc之CM7體驗




Xperia Arc之解鎖雖係用作使用定制ROM,不過起初冇咩定制ROM有所開發,所以解鎖純為使用最新官方ROM的root版而已.




根據CyanogenMod之發表,終於也把Xperia Arc列入開發裏面,今後,Xperia Arc的CM7將會幾活躍吓吧.



















First time flashing CyanogenMod 7 to the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc, or coming from another ROM?

  • Root the device and install ClockworkMod Recovery. Instructions are available here.
  • Perform a NANDroid backup of your current ROM.
  • Format the system, data & cache partitions of your device.
  • Perform a factory reset.
  • Flash CyanogenMod.
  • Optional: Install the Google Apps addon package.

Upgrading from earlier version of CyanogenMod 7?

  • Perform a NANDroid backup of your current ROM.
  • Flash CyanogenMod (your Google Apps will be backed up & restored automatically).


Experience issues? Please provide the following info:

  • If the device was hard reboot, please provide the file “/proc/last_kmsg”.
  • If the device was soft reboot or is “bootlooping”, please run a logcat and provide the full output.
  • Please use Pastebin when possible.

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