
Xperia Arcブートローダー解除して最新ファームウェアの更新「root取得済み」Xperia Arc的BootLoader解鎖,最新固件之更新「已root機」



Xperia ArcのBootLoader解除のを回避するため、ずっと古いファームウェアで我慢してきたが、やっぱりいろいろ不具合ありそうで、最近のに更新すべきだろうと目覚め、BootLoader解除してから最新のに更新した。









  • BootLoaderの解除方法は、上記のYouTubeにも下記の文字説明にもあるから、その通りに従えばね。
  • そして、最新ファムの更新は、下記のスレッドにある二つ配布されてるファイルがあり、まずはFlashToolで.FTFを焼き、そのあと、Fastbootで.IMGを焼けば済む。
  • Fastbootの操作はGUIではなく、コマンドで、IMGをやくにはこういうコマンドを打てば済む。
fastboot devices
fastboot flash system ファイル名前.img




さってと、最新のファムでサクサクだが、もうBL解除なので、これから、保証も消えてしまうね;; BLのロックを付け戻す方法もあるけど、本当に付け戻したらばれないだろうかな。^^;





[TUTORIAL] Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc bootloader unlocking – xda-developers

Default [TUTORIAL] Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc bootloader unlocking

Quick tutorial for unlocking new Xperia devices. Although there is one on the SE developer website, this thread can be used for users to discuss their problems during unlocking etc.

Warning! This procedure will wipe the /data partition of your phone.

1. Download:
-fastboot package: http://www.multiupload.com/BMJ24IL6XY
-32/64bit drivers: http://www.multiupload.com/0XZV1LXRVA
2. Go to: http://unlockbootloader.sonyericsson.com/instructions
3. At the bottom click ‘Continue’ and enter your IMEI (type *#06# to find out), name and email address
4. You should now receive your unique unlock key
5. Extract fastboot.rar and open fastboot folder
6. Hold SHIFT and right click on the background of the folder
7. Select ‘Open command window here’
8. Connect your phone in fastboot mode (turn phone off, hold menu button and plug in USB Cable)
9. In the cmd windows type in fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version
10. If a value is returned, it means the phone is correctly connected
11. Type in fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce oem unlock 0xKEY and replace KEY with the key provided in step 4.
12. You’re device should now be bootloader unlocked

If this tutorial is too much for you then itskapil wrote a step-by-step guide (and recorded a video also):
-Instructions: http://www.theandroidsoul.com/how-to…-play-neo-pro/
-Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRH3pC7MhEA


Rooted(.IMG) &Unrooted(.FTF)4.0.1.A.0.283 LT15i Generic Global – xda-developers

Default Rooted(.IMG) &Unrooted(.FTF)4.0.1.A.0.283 LT15i Generic Global

Here is the .ftf 4.0.1.A.0.283 Generic Global ready to flash with flashtools:

NEW the prerooted .img by rahul.pillai Thanks!To use with fastboot mode for unlocked devides.

Enjoy and say Thanks please!

.FTF->Locked devices-> no root
.img->unlocked devices–>root
Flash first the ftf file, then the rooted img




為咗回避Xperia Arc之BootLoader解鎖問題,一直都忍用住舊固件,不過真係好多bug,最近醒悟起來,所以把BootLoader解鎖後更新至最新固件.









  • BootLoader的解鎖方法,可依上記的YouTube及以下的文件說明便可.
  • 之後,最新固件的,可到下記的帖中所提供的兩個檔.先用FlashTool把.FTF刷上,然後再以Fastboot把.IMG刷上便可.
  • Fastboot的操作非GUI的,要用指令,刷IMG的指令如下:
fastboot devices
fastboot flash system 檔名.img




好啦,最新固件雖好爽,不過已BL解鎖了,保養沒了;; 雖有方法可把BL鎖回,但係是否真係唔會被識破就唔知啦^^;





[TUTORIAL] Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc bootloader unlocking – xda-developers

Default [TUTORIAL] Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc bootloader unlocking

Quick tutorial for unlocking new Xperia devices. Although there is one on the SE developer website, this thread can be used for users to discuss their problems during unlocking etc.

Warning! This procedure will wipe the /data partition of your phone.

1. Download:
-fastboot package: http://www.multiupload.com/BMJ24IL6XY
-32/64bit drivers: http://www.multiupload.com/0XZV1LXRVA
2. Go to: http://unlockbootloader.sonyericsson.com/instructions
3. At the bottom click ‘Continue’ and enter your IMEI (type *#06# to find out), name and email address
4. You should now receive your unique unlock key
5. Extract fastboot.rar and open fastboot folder
6. Hold SHIFT and right click on the background of the folder
7. Select ‘Open command window here’
8. Connect your phone in fastboot mode (turn phone off, hold menu button and plug in USB Cable)
9. In the cmd windows type in fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version
10. If a value is returned, it means the phone is correctly connected
11. Type in fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce oem unlock 0xKEY and replace KEY with the key provided in step 4.
12. You’re device should now be bootloader unlocked

If this tutorial is too much for you then itskapil wrote a step-by-step guide (and recorded a video also):
-Instructions: http://www.theandroidsoul.com/how-to…-play-neo-pro/
-Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRH3pC7MhEA


Rooted(.IMG) &Unrooted(.FTF)4.0.1.A.0.283 LT15i Generic Global – xda-developers

Default Rooted(.IMG) &Unrooted(.FTF)4.0.1.A.0.283 LT15i Generic Global

Here is the .ftf 4.0.1.A.0.283 Generic Global ready to flash with flashtools:

NEW the prerooted .img by rahul.pillai Thanks!To use with fastboot mode for unlocked devides.

Enjoy and say Thanks please!

.FTF->Locked devices-> no root
.img->unlocked devices–>root
Flash first the ftf file, then the rooted img



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