
Xperia X10 miniのBootLoader解除済み、しかもネイティブWIFIテザリング可能なカスタムROMの体験Xperia X10 mini之成功BootLoader解鎖,且可WIFI TETHERING的定制ROM之體驗

Xperia X10 miniのBootLoader解除済み、しかもネイティブWIFIテザリング可能なカスタムROMの体験




Xperia X10 miniを今までGingerDXのカスタムROMで試してみてる。




ただし、最近、Xperia X10とか、Xperia X10 miniのBootLoader解除情報もあって、MiniCM7のカスタムROMもやってみた。なぜ、そのカスタムROMをやってみよといえば、Native WiFiテザリング可能って書いてあるから、ものすごく興味深くて、その前に、BL解除の必要なので、さっそく、解除していった。








本当は、サードでWiFiテザリングできるのが、Ad Hocモードしかなくて、Android間のシェアだと無理なので、できれば、ネイティブWiFiテザリングがいいなと、なんどもXperia miniでも買おうかなと迷っていた、今度はXperia X10 miniのBL解除可能で、それに、こんな完璧なWiFiテザリングできるっすから、今後、旅行にそれを持ち出し、WiFiポータブル機として使わせてもらうわ。



 [ROM] MiniCM7-2.1.1 [16/9/11] Gingerbread 2.3.5/CM 7.1 port for the x10mini – xda-developers

MiniCM7 is custom-built, based on CyanogenMod 7, running Android Gingerbread on top of the nAa kernel.


    • The MiniCM7 theme is made exclusively for the MiniCM7 ROM. It is not to be used with other ROMS, so DON’T rip it unless your ROM is MiniCM
    • To cookers: If you use parts or all of this ROM for your custom cooks, please reference this thread
    • To everyone: Please don’t mirror this ROM
  • MiniCM7 is built for X10mini. It is a stable and the most feature-complete Gingerbread ROM perfect for day to day use
  • This is a team work by DaRk_dOg and me

FAQs (Many thanks to matmutant)

If you have a question, please READ THIS before posting and also use the SEARCH button at the top right.


  • Everything


  • Built for LDPI
  • MiniCM Update notifications via c2dm (CM Settings -> System -> Update notifications)
  • App2sd / Dalvik2sd compatible with 2.1 app2sd (storing to ext2/3/4 pre-existing partition is detected and mounted as such)
  • Gingerbread’s native App2sd (storing to fat)
  • In kernel ClockworkMod recovery v4.0.1.5 and option to reboot into Recovery
  • Modular Undervolting and Overclocking handled CM Settings menu (by default none is active)
  • Extra CM Performance Settings menu for SD Read Cache Speed
  • Extra CM Settings display menu for Ultra brightness
  • Smooth 2D scrolling in menus
  • Fake Dual touch in kernel, thanks to doixanh
  • Mddi lag fix in kernel
  • Native Wifi Hotspot

Bugs: (Please use the project’s tracker for reporting bugs. Please file them properly following the template or they will be discarded.)
– The distorted boot logo is normal.


  • Latest 2.1.1.A.0.6/2.1.1.C.0.0 SE firmware / Baseband: M76XX-TSNCJOLYM-53404015


  • Download the latest all-in-one package from the release link that follows
  • Backup your /data contents: contacts, apps, sms, etc. or backup via recovery
  • Move the MiniCM7-xxx.zip to the root folder of your sdcard and rename it to update.zip. Optionally, download the suggested Google Apps for CM7 from here (check http://cmw.22aaf3.com/gapps/ if you want to experiment with other gapps versions)
  • Unlock your bootloader, if you haven’t already, using the stuff in unlock/ folder. Check http://forum.xda-developers.com/show….php?t=1254225 for a nice tutorial
  • Flash the nAa kernel using Flashtool. To to this:
    – Turn off your phone
    – Start the Flashtool\X10FlashTool.exe and select Flash. Then select the E10_nAaxxx kernel firmware (this flashes both the kernel.sin and the loader.sin)
    – Keep the back button pressed while connecting the usb cable. Flashtool should detect your phone and flash the kernel.
    – Once done, disconnect the usb cable and power on the phone.
  • Once the logo appears, press the back button repeatedly to enter CWM4.x.
    – Select ‘backup and restore -> Backup’
    – Select ‘wipe data/factory reset’ (SUGGESTED)
    – Select ‘apply update from sdcard’
    – Flash gapps
  • Reboot (first boot will take ~2 mins)
  • Once your device has booted, you can navigate to CM Settings -> System -> Update notifications and select ‘Register’. This way you can get update notifications on new versions of MiniCM7!

Please make sure you followed the above steps before reporting any issues, especially ‘wipe data/factory reset’

Downloads: do NOT mirror



 Xperia X10 mini之成功BootLoader解鎖,且可WIFI TETHERING的定制ROM之體驗




至今都一直以GingerDX試用Xperia X10 mini的定制ROM的.




不過,最近,Xperia X10及Xperia X10 mini都有BootLoader解鎖情報,所以試用一吓MiniCM7呢個定制ROM.點解要揀呢個定制ROM呢,因寫住可以用Native WiFi Tethering,真令我好感興趣,不過事先,要先作BL之解鎖,所以即時解鎖試一吓.




然後,即時啟用一吓那個Native WiFi Tethering.




其實,可用第三方作WiFi Tethering既,不過只可以用作Ad Hoc模式,故Android之間的分享就用唔着,盡可能都希望可以用Native WiFi Tethering,曾好幾次都打算諗過不如買Xperia mini唻用的,不過今次的Xperia X10 mini的BL解鎖又得咗,而且,仲有埋咁完美的WiFi Tethering添,今後,旅行時,可以用佢唻當作手提WiFi分享架啦.



 [ROM] MiniCM7-2.1.1 [16/9/11] Gingerbread 2.3.5/CM 7.1 port for the x10mini – xda-developers

MiniCM7 is custom-built, based on CyanogenMod 7, running Android Gingerbread on top of the nAa kernel.


    • The MiniCM7 theme is made exclusively for the MiniCM7 ROM. It is not to be used with other ROMS, so DON’T rip it unless your ROM is MiniCM
    • To cookers: If you use parts or all of this ROM for your custom cooks, please reference this thread
    • To everyone: Please don’t mirror this ROM
  • MiniCM7 is built for X10mini. It is a stable and the most feature-complete Gingerbread ROM perfect for day to day use
  • This is a team work by DaRk_dOg and me

FAQs (Many thanks to matmutant)

If you have a question, please READ THIS before posting and also use the SEARCH button at the top right.


  • Everything


  • Built for LDPI
  • MiniCM Update notifications via c2dm (CM Settings -> System -> Update notifications)
  • App2sd / Dalvik2sd compatible with 2.1 app2sd (storing to ext2/3/4 pre-existing partition is detected and mounted as such)
  • Gingerbread’s native App2sd (storing to fat)
  • In kernel ClockworkMod recovery v4.0.1.5 and option to reboot into Recovery
  • Modular Undervolting and Overclocking handled CM Settings menu (by default none is active)
  • Extra CM Performance Settings menu for SD Read Cache Speed
  • Extra CM Settings display menu for Ultra brightness
  • Smooth 2D scrolling in menus
  • Fake Dual touch in kernel, thanks to doixanh
  • Mddi lag fix in kernel
  • Native Wifi Hotspot

Bugs: (Please use the project’s tracker for reporting bugs. Please file them properly following the template or they will be discarded.)
– The distorted boot logo is normal.


  • Latest 2.1.1.A.0.6/2.1.1.C.0.0 SE firmware / Baseband: M76XX-TSNCJOLYM-53404015


  • Download the latest all-in-one package from the release link that follows
  • Backup your /data contents: contacts, apps, sms, etc. or backup via recovery
  • Move the MiniCM7-xxx.zip to the root folder of your sdcard and rename it to update.zip. Optionally, download the suggested Google Apps for CM7 from here (check http://cmw.22aaf3.com/gapps/ if you want to experiment with other gapps versions)
  • Unlock your bootloader, if you haven’t already, using the stuff in unlock/ folder. Check http://forum.xda-developers.com/show….php?t=1254225 for a nice tutorial
  • Flash the nAa kernel using Flashtool. To to this:
    – Turn off your phone
    – Start the Flashtool\X10FlashTool.exe and select Flash. Then select the E10_nAaxxx kernel firmware (this flashes both the kernel.sin and the loader.sin)
    – Keep the back button pressed while connecting the usb cable. Flashtool should detect your phone and flash the kernel.
    – Once done, disconnect the usb cable and power on the phone.
  • Once the logo appears, press the back button repeatedly to enter CWM4.x.
    – Select ‘backup and restore -> Backup’
    – Select ‘wipe data/factory reset’ (SUGGESTED)
    – Select ‘apply update from sdcard’
    – Flash gapps
  • Reboot (first boot will take ~2 mins)
  • Once your device has booted, you can navigate to CM Settings -> System -> Update notifications and select ‘Register’. This way you can get update notifications on new versions of MiniCM7!

Please make sure you followed the above steps before reporting any issues, especially ‘wipe data/factory reset’

Downloads: do NOT mirror




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  • WestIsland

    私もMiniCM7-2.1.1 + nAa-karnel-03でテザリングを試してみました。

    コメント | 2011/10/03
  • >WestIslandさん、

    コメント | 2011/10/04
  • WestIsland




    今はREGPON wifi keepaliveというアプリを使用してスリープに入らないようにして使用しています。



    コメント | 2011/10/05
  • >WestIslandさん、
    X10 miniをポータブルWIFIスポットのようにするため、テザリングできるようにするのは、主に旅行の時に、当地のプリペイドカードで安くバケットデータ通信やりたいので、スリープになったら接続切れるかどうかまだよくわかりません「ローカルのプリペイドのを買ってなくて」。近々、いろいろと香港にも中国にも行く予定で、その時に当地のプリペイドカードを購入し、ちゃんとWIFIテザリングのを試してみるから、ぜひブログでレポートさせていただきます。WestIslandさんのレポートはありがとうございます。たとえ、海外でX10 miniのCyanogenmodをもってテザリングしてもうまくいける限らないだと覚悟しとかせていただきますから。w

    コメント | 2011/10/06
  • WestIsland

    ちなみに昨日MiniCM7-2.1.2 & nAa-Karnel-04にアップデートして試しましたが、結果は同じでした。

    コメント | 2011/10/06
  • >WestIslandさん、
    そういえば、僕、今朝は久しぶりにxdaの掲示板を覗いてみたら、GingerDXのも相変わらずに更新頻繁で、GingerDX v017のをいれてやってみたが、テザリングにはUSBのしかなくてすぐにもとのMiniCMのにしました。


    コメント | 2011/10/06

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