
Xperia X10 miniにちょっとしただけのオーバークロック「710 Mhz」向Xperia X10 mini作少少的超頻「710 Mhz」

Xperia X10 miniにちょっとしただけのオーバークロック「710 Mhz」



前日、X10 miniをGingerbreadのカスタムROMを入れ、今度はオーバークロックのモジュールもやってみた。




もともと、X8の開発だったが、X10 miniにもX10 mini proにも導入され、さっそくそれをいれてやってみた。




改造する前にはSetCPUでどうしても600 Mhz以上の設定できず、改造したら、800 Mhz以上くらいのOCもあるが、そうするとすぐにフリーズになった。w

安定性を守りながらOCにすれば、一般的なコメントによると、710 Mhzまたその前後にしてほうがいいとされて、僕は710 Mzhにしてから、RockPlayerで普通のrmvbを再生してみたら、なんとなくスムーズに再生できたから、今までX10 miniとRockplayer+RMVBの無縁を乗り越えて、本当に不思議だった。




 [Module] X8Overclock | v004 – Multiple freq | X8 | X10 mini | X10 mini pro | 11-04-11 – xda-developers




Release history


  • April 11. v004. Default to 691MHz. Multiple frequencies are available for SetCPU: from 614MHz to 826MHz. You can now change frequencies with SetCPU – much like with custom kernels! You can even SetCPU freq at boot.
  • April 07. v003. Compatible with SetCPU. Easier for code maintenance.
  • April 06. v002 for mini pro. x8oc module for x10 mini pro released! Be warned: I didn’t have your x10mini pro hardware so I didn’t test it throughoutly.
  • April 06. v002 for mini. x8oc module for x10 mini released! Be warned: I didn’t have your x10mini hardware so I didn’t test it throughoutly. 710MHz was reported not too stable. A lower freq is more stable.
  • April 06. v002. Experimental! It maybe very unstable! Undervoltage for all frequencies except the max freq (Reduced voltages for 128MHz, 245MHz, 320MHz, 480MHz). This can potentially save battery. I need test results for saving battery from you guys 
  • April 05. v001. Default to 710MHz.

– Rooted
– Baseband x15
– xRecovery (for automatic installtation)
– Dare!

a. Manual installation : it will be better if you can do this way.
– Download appropriate x8oc-vXXX.zip (for X8), or x8oc-vXXX-x10m.zip (for X10 mini), or x8oc-vXXX-x10mp.zip (for x10 mini pro) below, unzip
– Remount /system as rw
– Push x8oc.ko in to /system/lib/modules
– Edit /system/etc/hw_config.sh, add one line at the beginning

insmod /system/lib/modules/x8oc.ko # x8 overclock

For people who want to set specific freq at boot, write the following instead of the code above:

# x8 overclock
insmod /system/lib/modules/x8oc.ko 
sleep 2
echo xAB > /proc/x8oc

Where AB is your desired code for that frequency. Test the frequency carefully before applying it at boot!
(you can edit hw_config.sh by pulling it to your PC, edit, and push it back)
– Reboot your phone

b. Automatic installation : much like x8gesture, I will have to prepare update.zip for each ROM. I’m pretty busy now, so be patient.


 向Xperia X10 mini作少少的超頻「710 Mhz」



之前,安裝了Gingerbread的定制ROM到X10 mini,今次試吓超頻一吓.




原為X8之開發的,不過都有X10 mini及X10 mini pro導入之版本,所以試一吓佢.




改造之前,用SetCPU點都係調唔到600 Mhz以上的設定,改造之後可有調至800 Mhz以上的超頻,不過一調就即死機了.w

要保持穩定性去超頻的話,依一般的評論話,調為710 Mhz左右咁上吓係最好的,而我調為710 Mzh之後,試用RockPlayer去播啲普通rmvb,總算播得幾順吓,超越咗至今X10 mini與Rockplayer+RMVB之無綠的境界,真係好不可思議啊.




 [Module] X8Overclock | v004 – Multiple freq | X8 | X10 mini | X10 mini pro | 11-04-11 – xda-developers




Release history


  • April 11. v004. Default to 691MHz. Multiple frequencies are available for SetCPU: from 614MHz to 826MHz. You can now change frequencies with SetCPU – much like with custom kernels! You can even SetCPU freq at boot.
  • April 07. v003. Compatible with SetCPU. Easier for code maintenance.
  • April 06. v002 for mini pro. x8oc module for x10 mini pro released! Be warned: I didn’t have your x10mini pro hardware so I didn’t test it throughoutly.
  • April 06. v002 for mini. x8oc module for x10 mini released! Be warned: I didn’t have your x10mini hardware so I didn’t test it throughoutly. 710MHz was reported not too stable. A lower freq is more stable.
  • April 06. v002. Experimental! It maybe very unstable! Undervoltage for all frequencies except the max freq (Reduced voltages for 128MHz, 245MHz, 320MHz, 480MHz). This can potentially save battery. I need test results for saving battery from you guys 
  • April 05. v001. Default to 710MHz.

– Rooted
– Baseband x15
– xRecovery (for automatic installtation)
– Dare!

a. Manual installation : it will be better if you can do this way.
– Download appropriate x8oc-vXXX.zip (for X8), or x8oc-vXXX-x10m.zip (for X10 mini), or x8oc-vXXX-x10mp.zip (for x10 mini pro) below, unzip
– Remount /system as rw
– Push x8oc.ko in to /system/lib/modules
– Edit /system/etc/hw_config.sh, add one line at the beginning

insmod /system/lib/modules/x8oc.ko # x8 overclock

For people who want to set specific freq at boot, write the following instead of the code above:

# x8 overclock
insmod /system/lib/modules/x8oc.ko 
sleep 2
echo xAB > /proc/x8oc

Where AB is your desired code for that frequency. Test the frequency carefully before applying it at boot!
(you can edit hw_config.sh by pulling it to your PC, edit, and push it back)
– Reboot your phone

b. Automatic installation : much like x8gesture, I will have to prepare update.zip for each ROM. I’m pretty busy now, so be patient.



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