




マカオのWIFI GOという公衆向けフリーアクセスポイントのサービスはずっと前から、政府より提供してるなのが、マカオ人としてる自分には今更それをテストさせてございます。なぜ今更といえば、まず、自分はバケホーダイなので、公衆WIFIなんかいらないし、それから、この間、一人でランチすることになり、ランチの終わって、始業前に余裕で、ちょうどセナド広場の近くなので、例のWIFI GOを試してみた。



WIFI GOのオフィシャルサイトにも説明を書いてあり、WIFI GOサービスにはwifigoとwifigo-sの二つのがあり、前者のは暗号接続なし、後者の暗号接続あり、自分は前者のをやってみた、設定ほぼ一切なくブラウザを開いて同意のボタンを押した済むなので楽だね。ご覧写真のはSpeedTestで測ってみたスピードの結果なのだ。




澳門的WIFI GO專為公眾而設的免費WIFI熱點服務已有咗好耐,不過我作為澳門人現在才試過吓.點解現在才會試吓呢,首先,我自己本身係無限上網計劃的,所以唔洗用公眾WIFI,而且,早前,自己一個食中午,離返工仲有啲時間,而又在噴水池附近,所以,試用一吓呢個WIFI GO.



WIFI GO的官網已寫有說明操作,WIFI GO服務有wifigo及wifigo-s兩種,前者為冇加密,後者為有加密,我試用咗一吓前者的,幾乎唔洗點咩設定,打開瀏覽器按同意便可,幾方便.如圖中所見的是我用SpeedTest所測速的結果.



“WiFi GO” service guidelines

The “WiFi GO” service provides free wireless Internet connectivity to Macau citizens and visitors. Users will be able to connect to “WiFi GO” and enjoy free wireless Internet connectivity with an IEEE 802.11 b/g standard device at “WiFi GO” service locations.

Service Hour

Daily from 8:00am to 1:00am of the following day.

“WiFi GO” Login Procedures

1.Locate yourself within the service coverage area in a “WiFi GO” location.

2.Activate your mobile device that supports IEEE 802.11 b/g standard capable mobile device.

3.Establish your Wi-Fi connection.

4.If using the unencrypted service:

  • Select the “wifigo” SSID and select “Connect”;
  • Launch the browser and accept the “Terms of Use and Disclaimer”;
  • Commence browsing the Internet.

5.If using the encrypted service (WPA2):

  • Select the “wifigo-s” SSID and select “Connect”;
  • Enter the username “wifigo” and the password “wifigo”;
  • Launch the browser and accept the “Terms of Use and Disclaimer”;
  • Commence browsing the Internet.

Websites or Services being filtered

The “WiFi GO” service shall filter websites containing sexually explicit or obscene material, in order to prevent users from accessing such websites via the “WiFi GO” service.

User bandwidth and duration limitations

To ensure effective and reasonable service quality, as well as equitable treatment for all users, we have set the following bandwidth and time limits.

Bandwidth: User can enjoy a maximum of 3Mbps downstream and 512Kbps upstream access speed. However, the actual connection speed will depend on the number of concurrent users as well as the user’s reception signal strength.

Time limit: The service will be disconnected after 45 minutes of continuous usage. However, if there is an available connection, the user may reconnect and continue to use the service.




“WiFi GO” service guidelines

The “WiFi GO” service provides free wireless Internet connectivity to Macau citizens and visitors. Users will be able to connect to “WiFi GO” and enjoy free wireless Internet connectivity with an IEEE 802.11 b/g standard device at “WiFi GO” service locations.

Service Hour

Daily from 8:00am to 1:00am of the following day.

“WiFi GO” Login Procedures

1.Locate yourself within the service coverage area in a “WiFi GO” location.

2.Activate your mobile device that supports IEEE 802.11 b/g standard capable mobile device.

3.Establish your Wi-Fi connection.

4.If using the unencrypted service:

  • Select the “wifigo” SSID and select “Connect”;
  • Launch the browser and accept the “Terms of Use and Disclaimer”;
  • Commence browsing the Internet.

5.If using the encrypted service (WPA2):

  • Select the “wifigo-s” SSID and select “Connect”;
  • Enter the username “wifigo” and the password “wifigo”;
  • Launch the browser and accept the “Terms of Use and Disclaimer”;
  • Commence browsing the Internet.

Websites or Services being filtered

The “WiFi GO” service shall filter websites containing sexually explicit or obscene material, in order to prevent users from accessing such websites via the “WiFi GO” service.

User bandwidth and duration limitations

To ensure effective and reasonable service quality, as well as equitable treatment for all users, we have set the following bandwidth and time limits.

Bandwidth: User can enjoy a maximum of 3Mbps downstream and 512Kbps upstream access speed. However, the actual connection speed will depend on the number of concurrent users as well as the user’s reception signal strength.

Time limit: The service will be disconnected after 45 minutes of continuous usage. However, if there is an available connection, the user may reconnect and continue to use the service.


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