
Xperia Arc ADB DriversXperia Arc ADB Drivers

Xperia Arc ADB Drivers




この間、あるネット書き込みにはArcのドライバを探したいというスレッド/レスが見つかり、実は、もしも、ソニエリのPC Companionをパソコンにインストールすればすでに入ってくると思うし、それから、Arcの出荷時のおまけSDカードの下記のパスにもちゃんと入ってるし、たどり着く道はいくらでもあるよぉ。





もちろん、PC Companionをインストールするのを面倒いと思い、それから、出荷時のおまけSDカードをバックアップ取らずにフォーマットしたら、下記のXDAスレッドだとピッタリだと思うね。ArcのADB driverだけのダウンロード。


 xda-developers – View Single Post – ADB drivers for ARC [solved]


These are the drivers i used (win7/32 bit) and they work well. Honestly, i got no clue where i got them from, SE site?

You could give them a try.
Hope it works out for you

edit: just saw they are probably the same as you already have, not much help i guess, sorry!

Xperia Arc ADB Drivers



早前,於某討論區發現某帖話想搵Arc的驅動程式,其實,若安裝索愛的PC Companion到電腦的話就已經可以有埋個驅動程式係裏頭,另外,Arc出機時所跟的記憶卡內如下記的路徑都會搵到的.





當然啦,認為安裝PC Companion好麻煩,另外,山機時那張卡沒有備份而又已格式化的話,下記的XDA呢個帖就最適合不過啦.淨係下載Arc的ADB driver.


 xda-developers – View Single Post – ADB drivers for ARC [solved]


These are the drivers i used (win7/32 bit) and they work well. Honestly, i got no clue where i got them from, SE site?

You could give them a try.
Hope it works out for you

edit: just saw they are probably the same as you already have, not much help i guess, sorry!

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