
コタイジェット格安往復券「7月のクリスマス」金光飛航粉絲著數 – 七月的聖誕! CotaiJet Fans’ Jetso – Christmas in July!




金光飛航粉絲著數 – 七月的聖誕! CotaiJet Fans’ Jetso – Christmas in July!本大爺的生日係6月份份,係呢個6月我都好幾次用咗Cotaijet生日大晒推廣的平票過香港.話咁快,今日已經6月尾啦,聽日就7月的生日大晒推廣,我太太的生日係8月份的,係7月呢段期間無得好平座船過香港,係未見到呢幅推廣時真係愁咗一愁架.w




* Please read the entire Terms & Conditions.

* Upon registering, it will take 24 hours before you get the SMS. We appreciate your patience.

* We expect strong interest, to avoid queues on day of travel; you can purchase your ticket one day in advance.

* Please don’t post personal info: ID and/or phone number on the Wall. For such questions, you can email us directly at: fbjetso@cotaijet.com.mo

* Issues with SMS delivery include: cell phone turned off, weak signal environments, telecom provider network.

* The SMS received will not show your full name. It will show either your first name or last name

CotaiJet Ticketing Outlets Opening hours:
Sheung Wan (305D) 06:00-01:00(next day)
Sheung Wan (305N) 06:00-22:00
Kowloon 06:30-20:00
Taipa Ferry Terminal, Macau 24 hours


1. Facebook ‘Fans’ of CotaiJet™ are eligible for this promotion. Joining www.facebook.com, search for “CotaiJet” and click “Like” on the CotaiJet page is open to everyone and all are encouraged to participate.

2. Facebook CotaiJet Fans have to register on the CotaiJet Facebook page ‘Fans’ Jetso著數’ in order to participate in this promotion. Registration involves providing name, first three digits of your Identification and your cell phone number. The accepted identification items are: Macau ID, Hong Kong ID and/or your passport.

3. Each Facebook account and cell phone number can only be used to register one person.

4. Upon enrolling, an SMS e-coupon will be sent to your cell phone. The SMS will have your name and first three digits of your ID. Present this SMS e-coupon with your identification in person when purchasing your ticket.

5. The SMS e-coupon will be sent within 24 hours after you register on Facebook for the promotion. The speed of delivery of your SMS depends on your telecom provider.

6. It is only necessary to register once. The SMS e-coupon can be used multiple times by the same person for the duration of the promotion period (July 1 to July 25, 2010).

7. A round trip ticket must be purchased at the same time. The round trip ticket purchased in Hong Kong is: HKD50 to Macau and HKD50 back to Hong Kong. The round trip ticket purchased in Macau is: MOP50 to Hong Kong and MOP50 back to Macau.

8. Tickets may be purchased one day in advance of travel or on day of travel. Limited to one round trip ticket purchased per day (i.e.) day of departure.

9. Travel must be completed within 24 hours. Overnight stay permissible but travel must be completed within a 24-hour period. If the stay exceeds 24 hours, this offer does not apply.

10. Purchase can be made in both Hong Kong and Macau at the CotaiJet Ticketing outlets. Purchase locations are: Hong Kong Ferry Terminal (Sheung Wan) – CotaiJet ticketing outlet; China Ferry Terminal (Kowloon) – CotaiJet ticketing outlet; Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal – CotaiJet ticketing outlet.

11. Promotion applies to two routes: Hong Kong Ferry Terminal (Sheung Wan Shun Tak Centre) to/from Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal, and China Ferry Terminal (Kowloon) to/from Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal. It does not apply to HK International Airport to Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal sailings.

12. Each person must physically show the SMS on their cell phone and ID to redeem the discount. You cannot bring another person’s SMS on a cell phone and ID to purchase the tickets on their behalf.

13. The ticket purchased will have the words ‘FB Fans Jetso’ printed on it and will be verified for eligibility upon checking in at the respective terminals.

14. The sender name of the SMS should be listed as “CotaiJet”. If the SMS is forwarded or the sender name of the SMS does not show “CotaiJet”, it will not be eligible for purchase in the promotion.

15. Participants must be at least 13 years old.

16. Tickets cannot be resold.

17. Only valid for Cotai Class tickets, no upgrade to Cotai First available. Offer subject to seat availability and may change at any time.

18. Promotion can be cancelled at any time for whatever reason without further notice.

Promotion valid from: July 1 to July 25, 2010

* 請細心閱讀所有條款及細則
* 登記後的24小時內, 閣下才會收到短訊, 感謝您的耐心等候.
* 我們預料反應會非常熱烈, 所以您們可以提早一天購買優惠船票, 以避免出發日排隊等候購票時間較長所造成的不便.
* 請不要將個人資料如身份證號碼或手提號碼發佈在”Wall”上, 若有任何疑問, 請發電郵給我們: fbjetso@cotaijet.com.mo
* 以下的情況將會影響訊息接收: 如關掉手提電話, 訊號較弱的地方, 電信網絡供應商.
* 因短訊有字數限制, 所以不會顯示您的全名, 只會顯示您的姓或名
港澳碼頭(上環-305D鋪): 早上 6時至晚上 1時
港澳碼頭(上環-305N鋪): 早上 6時至晚上 10時
中港城碼頭 (九龍): 早上 6時半至晚上 8時
氹仔臨時客運碼頭(澳門): 24小時
1. 此優惠只適用於金光飛航™的 Facebook粉絲群,只需登入www.facebook.com,搜尋 “CotaiJet” 並在該頁內按“Like”, 任何人皆歡迎加入成為金光飛航粉絲。
2. 登記成為Facebook金光飛航粉絲後,必須於金光飛航“Fans’ Jetso著數”專頁內登記個人資料,方可享有此優惠。個人資料包括姓名、身份證明文件頭3位數字,以及手提電話號碼。我們接納的身份證明文件包括澳門身份證、香港身份證及/或護照。
3. 每一個Facebook 帳戶及手提號碼只能登記一個人。
4. 登記參加之後,閣下之手提電話將獲發電子優惠短訊,短訊內容包括姓名及頭3位數字身份證號碼。購買船票時須親身出示此短訊及身份證明文件,便可獲享優惠。
5. 登記後的24小時內,我們將發送電子優惠短訊予閣下,唯收到訊息之實際時間將視乎您的流動電話網絡供應商。
6. 只需登記 一次,登記者即可憑此電子優惠短訊於推廣期間 (2010年7月1日至7月25日)享有多次購票優惠。
7. 購買者必須同時購買來回船票。若在香港金光飛航售票處購票, 從香港至澳門的去程船票價格為港幣$50,回程船票價格則為港幣$50。若在澳門金光飛航售票處購買, 從澳門至香港的去程船票價格為澳門幣$50, 回程船票價格則為澳門幣$50。
8. 此優惠只限換購當天或翌日之船票。每人每日只限購買一套來回優惠船票 , 以船票上的出發日期為準。
9. 來回船票須於24小時內使用,過夜住宿同樣僅限於不超於24小時之旅程。如旅程超過24小時者,則有關優惠將不再適用。
10. 顧客可在香港及澳門的金光飛航售票處購票。地點包括:香港港澳碼頭(上環)- 金光飛航售票處;中國客運碼頭(九龍)- 金光飛航售票處;氹仔臨時客運碼頭 – 金光飛航售票處。
11. 優惠只適用於金光飛航兩條航線:香港港澳碼頭 (上環信德中心) 往返氹仔臨時客運碼頭以及中國客運碼頭(九龍) 往返氹仔臨時客運碼頭,但不適用於香港國際機場往返氹仔臨時客運碼頭的航線。
12. 所有參加者必須親身出示本人手提電話之短訊及身份證明文件,方可獲享折扣優惠,並不可憑其他人之手提電話短訊及身份證明文件代購優惠船票。
13. 優惠船票將印有‘FB Fans Jetso’字樣,並會於各碼頭閘口檢查核實後,方為有效。
14. 短訊的發件人必須為“CotaiJet”, 經轉發的短訊或短訊的發件人不顯示為“CotaiJet”,將不可獲享此優惠。
15. 參加者必須年滿13歲或以上。
16. 優惠船票不可轉售他人。
17. 優惠只適用於購買標準艙船票,並不適用於升級至頭等艙。優惠視乎座位供應情況而定,並隨時可作出更改。
18. 毋須任何原因,優惠將可隨時終止亦無須事前另行通知。

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Written by カガヤキ in: クチコミ,マカオ | タグ: ,

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