
不幸中の幸いだった「Google Adsense Summary」不幸中之大幸「Google Adsense Summary」

不幸中の幸いだった「Google Adsense Summary」qq829のミョウなリファラの件を解決してから、念のため、FTPサーバーに入り、なにか異常かを調べたら、急に、写真通りにadsense_XXXXXXのようなパターンで6万以上空きファイルがルートのフォルダにあった。


My first wordpress plugin – Google Adsense Summary «Learnix – Another fsck’ing Linux site


まぁ、本当に不幸中の幸いだった、おかげで、cronジョブの勉強もっとされるし、それから、今後はやっぱりWEBサーバーのバックアップは油断せずにね。汗不幸中之大幸「Google Adsense Summary」解決咗qq829的怪怪HTTP referrer問題之後,為安全起見,登入了FTP睇睇自己網頁有否異樣,突然發現如圖中所見的adsense_XXXXXX般的模式的空檔有成6萬幾個以上係root內.


My first wordpress plugin – Google Adsense Summary «Learnix – Another fsck’ing Linux site


真係不幸中之大幸啦,多得佢唔少,不過我學會了更多cron job,另外學懂今後的備份真係唔可以求其就算啦.汗.

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Written by カガヤキ in: HACK,WEB,Wordpress,ブログ,雑記 | タグ: , , ,


  • I hope this translates well. I’ve fixed this issue finally and just released the update for it today.

    コメント | 2010/04/22
  • >Mr. Agentc0re,
    Thanks for update so quickly. I wanna confirm that new released fixed if only changed the temp directory or any else? If only changed temp directory, will it still continue with over 60000 adsense_XXXXXX empty files or not? Because it really was killing me when use ftp to manage. Thank You.

    コメント | 2010/04/23
  • No, the fix fixed that as well. The problem was that I was assigning the name of the temp file in the construct which was causing problems and creating a bunch of extra zero byte files for some unknown reason. It was technically working as far as removing the actual used cookie file.

    I changed the path at which were this are temporarily stored to make it easier to trouble shoot due to some hosting company’s not allowing access to the /tmp dir and instead having a ~/tmp dir.

    If you refresh your admin page and also quickly refresh the directory status of my plugin you should see the temp file for a brief moment and then disappear.

    Let me know if you have any more issues, i’m glad you posted your post as a ping back or I would have never gotten around to it.

    コメント | 2010/04/23

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