






‘February Birthday Celebration Promotion’

1. All Macau ID holders, both temporary and permanent, whose birthday falls in February, are eligible.

2.Price of a ticket from Macau to Hong Kong is the last two digits of your birth year (e.g.) if you were born in 1998, the price is MOP 98; if you were born in 1974, the price is MOP 74.

3. The ticket purchased will have the word ‘Birthday’ printed on it and will be verified for eligibility upon checking in at Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal as well as in Hong Kong.

4.Price of a ticket from Hong Kong to Macau is the month of your birthday (e.g.) if you were born in February, the price is MOP2.

5. Offer applies only for Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal and Hong Kong Ferry Terminal (Sheung Wan, Shun Tak Centre). Offer is not applicable for other routes.

6.Participants must be at least 11 years old. Individuals born between 2000-2010 are not eligible.

7.Travel must be completed in one day, not applicable to overnight stay.

8.May purchase one day in advance of travel or on day of travel.

9.Round trip tickets must be purchased at the same time.

10.May purchase only two sets of tickets per day, specifically for the birthday person and a guest. The travel does not need to be on the person’s birthday. The maximum number of times a birthday person can participate is 28 times (once per day, each day of the month.)

11.Guest must travel on same sailing as birthday celebrant.

12. Guest need not be a Macau ID holder.

13. The passenger (February Birthday person) must present his or her Macau ID at Taipa Ferry Terminal at the first check gate to verify month of birth. The guest need not present ID.

14. Purchase can only be made at Venetian property outlets: CotaiTicketingTM Arena Box Office, CotaiTicketing Porte Cochere Box Office, Resort Concierge and Cotai Strip Travel Limited.

15.Tickets cannot be resold.

16. Only valid for Cotai Class tickets, no upgrade to CotaiFirst available. Offer is subject to seat availability and may change at any time.

17. Three hours free parking in The Venetian car park with presentation of current day ferry stub bearing promotion code “birthday” on it. Self-parking only available on first come, first served basis. Free shuttle bus transportation between The Venetian and Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal (TTFT).

Promotion valid from: February 1-28, 2010






5. 優惠只適用於來往氹仔臨時客運碼頭及香港港澳碼頭(上環信德中心)之航線。其他航線暫不適用。









14. 優惠船票只能於澳門威尼斯人-度假村-酒店內購買,如金光綜藝館TM售票處、酒店正門售票處、澳門威尼斯人-度假村-禮賓部及路氹金光大道旅遊有限公司。

15. 優惠船票不可轉售他人。

16. 優惠只適用於購買標準艙船票,並不適用於升級至頭等艙; 優惠視乎坐位供應情況而定,並隨時可作出更改。

17. 只需出示船票存根,顧客可獲豁免3小時澳門威尼斯人客用停車場收費。優惠僅限於自助泊車, 車位先到先得,額滿即止。另設免費穿梭巴士往來澳門威尼斯人及澳門氹仔臨時客運碼頭。


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Written by カガヤキ in: クチコミ,マカオ,家族, | タグ: , , ,

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