
Transfer categories manualy to WordPress手動でWordPressにカテゴリの移行Transferir categorias manualmente para WordPress手動轉移項目至WordPress

The form of the category that i used blog before is different of WordPress, so i need transfer them all in manualy, spent such a time.WordPressのカテゴリ仕組みは前のブログとちょっと違うから、手動であわせていじっていて大変苦労をした。O blog antigo que usei, formas de categorias são diferentes do WordPress, por isso, preciso transfer todo em manualmente, foi um muito grande trabalho.WordPress項目的結構同我之前用開個blog的有唔同,所以要手動轉灑以前啲項目個去,費咗我好多功夫.

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Written by カガヤキ in: Wordpress,ブログ,雑記 | タグ: ,

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